I was wondring if there was a classified ad section here in these forums so I could sell a few things. I have some locos, cars and parts to sell [:)] Helps to pay for the new stuff ya know [;)]
What have you got mate any LGB?
Rgds Ian
If you click on the small link on the top of the page that says “shopping,” you’ll be directed to the Train Shops. There’s a section there for classifieds.
Thanks, Rene [:)]
What would y’all say about a swap section?
great idea dont you think guys?
Hey Capt.,
Sounds interesting for sure! Later eh…Brian. [:D]
Hey Cappy,
Great idea ! We could start a forum topic devoted solely to swaps, for sale and wanted LS items. Rene, do you see any problems with this?
I’ll check into this for you. I admit I’m not familiar with the limitations we may have with forum topics.
Thanks for your feedback.
We’d prefer that you use our Classified section (go to GardenRailways.com home page by clicking Garden Railways link above, then select the “Classified ads” link in the left column.)
Most users would agree that our forums are primarily for the exchange of information. We don’t want the helpful content that you help create to get watered down with “for sale” ads (see more details below). Even if we opened a specific section for it, it would still creep over into the other sections.
Our Classified section gives sellers the platform to promote their items for sale, while at the same time giving only the users who are in the market for buying (and have thus made the conscience discission to go to the Classified section) the chance to see the products. In other words, if you’re not in the market for buying, but rather come to our forums for the exchange of information, you won’t want to be hit by for sale ads from every Tom, *** and Harry.
Also, charging a small fee for our Classified ads keeps clutter to a minimum by elimiating people who are just trying to make a quick buck. (I not thinking of you hobbyists and long-time readers, I’m thinking of people out there who might try to target you with junk that they feel our market would want.) The small investment keeps the items legitimate.
Granted, right now there are not many ads. But if we can get you used to using them as your platform for buying and selling amongst each other, we feel it could grow into a resourceful section.
Thanks again,