Is there a prototype for this?

Ive seen these little railbusses on eBay, and I finally bought this one at a train show ($50). My question is whether there is a prototype? My guess is that it’s a freelanced commercial product, but I’ve been wrong before.


Sorry about the focus (lack thereof); my camera and I are still getting aquainted.

Yes there are countless prototypes for just this type of rail rider. If the Railroad needed one they would build them out of what ever they had on hand. Just the other day I seen a photo of one made out of a GM station wagon from the late 60’s. I’ve seen them made out of an old VW Beetle, a VW bus. So as lone as the vehicle is of the right year for the era you model have fun with it.

I’d love to see that VW rail-bug.

I would love to post it for you but due to a computer crash late last year I lost most of my photo collection. Ten years of data went the way of the birds. But a search of the popular rail-fanning photo sites should yield a good collection of research photos.

Are these similar to the little cabs (cars) that clubs run on trackage in special areas? I’ve seen them on PBS “Tracks Ahead” program. Were’nt they (still are?) used by the R.R.'s for maintenance etc.?


Yes Paulie they were. It’s easier and more cost effective to use a rail rider then to use a full size Locomotive to have a maintenance man run down the line once a week or so to check out something. Rail riders can easily get out of the way when a train needs to get through to make it’s run. The Modern rail riders just go to a crossing and raise it’s rail wheels and drives off on its street tires. Or even drive to a crossing, line up its rail wheels, lower them into place and take off down the track to where ever it’s needed.

As a matter of fact if a railroad thinks it can make it cheaper then it costs to buy it, they would normally build it. Makes for some fun kitbashing.

I’ve got pics someplace of a 56 Pontiac used by the UP![:D]

Hey Johnny I thought I lost all of My photo’s too but was able to retreive them with a program to recover them.the program I used cost me $20.00 but I was able to get them all back.The thing with hard drives is your information is usually still on the HD even tho You can’t see it.I was able to get them back even after I reformated My entire drive.just do a search for recover my files.

I’ve seen one with an Austin Mini but it was used like a speeder by CN.

Something similar was used by the Palatine, Lake Zurich and Wauconda, just before or just after World War I. It got a write-up in Scientific American at the time. I’ll try to find more information.