IS this a Train Chair? See photos

Can anyone tell me if this chair is from a train?

I don’t have any real history on it. Thank you, GAPA


I tried to look at your pics through the link you posted but all that came up was a form to sign into Yahoo Flicker or something like that???

Just thought I’d give you a heads up.

I attempted to view your photos.

It requested my sign-on.

When I used my Flicka sign on it rejected me. Stating I was not allowed to view your location.

Thanks I will look into, Gapa

Why not just post the photos on this forum? I posted the exact steps for everyone to post photos.

Problem Trains managements will not post them in their instructions.

Where do I find your instruction to post photos?

Sorry I took so long to answer your request.

Go to “General Discussion (Model Railroad)”

search for a entry by “MoBILMAN44”

Then scan down to my entry