Is this a Walther's kitbash buliding

I think the parts came from Walther’s.

It came in a lot of buildings I bought on E Bay. I now need to add a section to the then backside because it will be seen and want a offices there. Does the color look stock if it is a Walther’s? It is lightly weathered and looks like chalk and dull coat.

Pastie Ken posting again

It looks stock Walthers. The door, windows and roof details are cast in gray and walls look unpainted. You should have no trouble adding to it.

Sorry, it is a DPM structure. Senior Moment!!

Thank you for the answer!


Actually, my impression was that of DPM modular sections. [:-^] I’m using them for background buildings, and the arched windows, 2x piece, look very similar.

In fact, the dock doors look very similar to the Dock Level Freight Door pieces shown on this page.

If they are cast in RED plastic, that’s likely.

I’d have to agree with Brian. The building looks to be composed of common DPM modular wall sections. It certainly isn’t a Walthers’ product. However, those are Walthers’ vents and fans on the roof, from their roof detailing kit.


My guess is that those are DPM {Design Preservation Modular} walls and look similar to My warehouse structure I built with DPM pieces…

CNJ, OK, that’s nice to know. I’ve actually got a set of those vents/fans to put on the tops of these buildings, along with a fire-escape or three, but haven’t decided where/how many/etc. to apply to the several backdrop buildings.

Also, note the middle loading-dock door has been slightly customized; the doors from DPM are all one-piece.

Mine have the same dock doors, but they were cast in tan-coloured plastic. Didn’t matter, of course, as they got painted. [swg]


I added the Walther’s vents to the roof. Thanks again for all the answers as well. I will take it with me to my LHS and see which is the best match. I don’t want to have to paint the whole building because I don’t want to take it apart.

Other buildings that came with it are DMP so more than likely it is as well.

Thanks again, Cuda Ken

Here are a few of the parts I see on the building

Note that there are number types of wall sections and each has a different height

  • Street level or dock level - used for the lower floor of a building, they have a line of bricks at the loading dock level

  • One story wall section - used for one story of an upper floor

  • Two story wall section - used for two story of an upper floor

  • Cornice - used to top off a wall at roof level, I usually put 2 cornice sections back to back because the back of the wall is visible above roof level

Why thank you George! The file will be helpful and fun to play around with.

I have been working on the spur some. Few pictures if you don’t mind.

And it would not be Cuda Ken’s layout with a few of theses.

Thanks to all that took there time.

Cuda Ken