About 20 years ago I called Amtrak to get reservations on the City of New Orleans For Good Friday, for myself and a couple of friends. The Amtrak agent said sorry, the space was booked, but that I could try later (this call was made well over a month before the Easter holiday). The Amtrak agent explained that their computers were such that they couldn’t wait-list people so the best thing to do was keep calling and calling in hopes something would open up.[8]

This annoyed me greatly, as I think RR reservations should be first-come, first-served, not subject to a telephone lottery. [:(!] I believe Amtrak’s reservation system has been modernized since then, but here is what I did back 20 years ago:

I wrote a letter to the Illinois Sec’y of Transportation pointing out that part of Amtrak’s mission was to provide balance in transportation, including events like the airports’ being socked in by fog, leading to a plethora of people wanting rail service ASAP. When Railpax was formed, I recalled, the flexibility of trains was stressed–in times of overload conditions, an extra car or cars should be put on the train. Obviously, one cannot “extend” a plane or bus without putting a new extra one in service, which would be prohibitively expensive. I asked rhetorically whether Amtrak was in any condition to turn down revenues.

The Sec’y answered me by saying he had ordered the Chicago Union Station trainmaster to put an extra coach on the train. Apparently my logic–and squeaking the wheel, so to speak–had worked. When we got aboard the train, our coach was a fairly ancient heavysider with too much heating but it was comfortable enough. All of the other cars were the Amfleet shells so I assume our coach was indeed the one that had been specially ordered-up.

My questions are:
(1) has anything like this ever happend to you?
(2) does Amtrak still possess enough “heritage” or extra equipment to accommodate people at peak times like holidays? Do they use i

I doubt it. Amtrak doesn’t have a budget for new equipment and wrecks have taken their toll. Then again I really don’t think the demand is there. You rightly cite a holiday weekend as being booked. So are the airlines and the interstates. Therefore we should add additional lanes to the roads for the holiday weekend traffic and airlines should have planes sitting around for the surge. They can’t even make money with what they have. Last time I rode Amtrak will be my last time and that was 1992. Surly, lazy crews, restrooms that you couldn’t lock the doors, Parents with brats not caring where they ran or who they annoyed. Sorry but for me travel is merely the method from point A to point B and the faster the better. Amtrak can’t die fast enough for me and I basically like passenger trains. That’s why I model the corridor.

Doesn’t Amtrak have insurance to pay for the cost of damaged equitment repair? It seems logical but who knows. [%-)][?]

Not if they run it like the State of Illinois. They had a helicopter crash just recently, they stated it wouldn’t be replaced as they didn’t carry replacement insurance, they said they didn’t have that many aircraft that crashed so they didn’t see the need. Hopefully AMTRAK doesn’t use the same idealogy.

We can only hope the leaders of Amtrak aren’t as bad [D)] as IDOT’s leaders.

railroads are self insured… meaning any cost to repair damages and what not comes right off the bottom line…now they might have a liabilty policy for damages for passangers in the event of a accident…
csx engineer