Is this something anyone could use?

While I’m enjoying the fourms here since starting to post recently, and I would never expect anyone to leave for another site, I do have certain skills I’d like to use to help out our hobby.

I’m wondering if anyone would use another site. 2 Friends and I run a small web development company and have our own servers that I could build and host a site on. Some of the featues we include for forum sites are personal home pages where people could post pics of their layouts, news articles, blog, events calendar, private messaging, etc.

I think this is a project I want to start but I’m just seeing if there’s any interest first.


Welcome - I think that would be a nice thing. Having one site where MRR folks could collectively post pics. I use Photobucket to post my RR pics but I would like to be able to post short Videos as well and I don’t think many sites host vids. Sounds like something to talk about anyway. Lets see what the rest of the folks have to say!

I am past my comfort zone already with learning new things. Learning another site would be difficult for me. Maybe if it were there I would learn to look at pics, but there are lots here.

Video hosting wouldn’t be a problem if anyone wanted to. Us having our own server makes that easy.

would be nice, there is always a bit of scare factor involved for the not so internet savvy, perhaps if the new site was so darn easy, it would ease any hesitation from some. How would the site support itself? memberships?

Well, I guess I would support it. Much like the Xbox Family site I run now, there could be a donations button but our server is bought and paid for so this would be something that could be there without any problems.

Much like here, the only support needed would be some people with enough background to be able to be moderators for it so that there aren’t any problems like I’ve been reading about here. I’m not even sure what happened, being new, but people seem pretty upset.

Been thinking about it today, and thought that as well as the stuff previously mentioned, I think I can create a Knowledge Base that people could post articles in to help other members.

3 people isn’t a lot but I’ll get started on this tonight. For now I’ll just create a subdomain of one of my current projects and see if it takes off before paying for domain registration.

Again, let me mention that I’m not looking to do this to take members away from here. I’d continue to post here myself for that matter. Just want to use the skills I have to help out the community.

Edit: the only thing i need help on is what to call it! I’m bad with stuff like that.

I use for my pictures, but I too would like to post videos. I’ve got one of those microcams for the inside of the locomotive cab, and I plan to post some shots once my scenery is no longer “in the pink.” What we usually do here is put the pictures on another site, and then link to them. Since the sites are picture-only, they don’t seem to attract the riff-raff. All of these sites, though, are only for stills.

Videos can eat up disk space and bandwidth very fast. However, if you were the only site hosting model railroad videos, you could probably attract some advertisers to support any upgrades you might need to handle the load.

You would be doing us all a great service, by the way, and I’m sure we would all appreciate it. Thanks for the offer!