Inspired by Brian Schmidt’s “Railroad photography: Shooting for publication” very recent blog, it must be said that TRAINS current photo submission guidelines policy strikes this forum contributor as doomed. Who in their right mind would submit a screwed up photo? But, yet, that is what TRAINS wants, unaltered RAW ones. Is the famed rail photographer Richard Steinheimer now turning over in his grave?
Working against TRAINS Magazine is a disjointed organization! Yes, disjointed, where the right hand doesn’t seem to know what the left is doing. Contradictory instructions for submissions and inquiry email addresses that don’t work are the sure signs of an impending magazine name change to “Zero Photos Rail Magazine.”
It is unknown if a new publisher is needed, or if someone’s head needs to be chopped off, but something needs to be done at Kalmbach, as incompetence invariably leads to oblivion. PLEASE, PLEASE DO SOMETHING, KALMBACH! You are acting like Amtrak, a severely strangled organization!