I saw them, I bid on them, I finally won one, I paid for it, he shipped it, I got it, I painted it, I assembled it, I put a decoder in it, AND IT RAN. What is it? A very old Penn Line Midget Diesel. It will be assigned to do yard work in the quarry. Ain’t success beautiful.
It sure is. Well done.
Yep!!! A completed project always gives me a warm fuzzy.
I love them Midgets! [:)][tup] Post pictures as soon as possible.
After a whole day in the train room it runs. Weathering, decals, people, junk all need to be added, then a picture. But today it runs.
Art: [:P][:P][bow] Ah’m jus’ proud to know you, buddy!!
Not get that little sucker all done up and let’s have a photo!!!
Tom [:D]
Maybe he’s afraid that if he photographs it, the little bugger won’t run anymore…
It will be a while before details are added so here a three with its only rolling stock now carrying a large turquiose and a Chrysicholla rocks.
Really nice scene, Art. [tup] You’ve put a lot of work into that bridge, but it looks like that’s the maximum weight the railroad will trust on it. [swg]
There were two versions of the gearing in that loco - a very coarse set of spur gears, and another set with finer skewed teeth for quieter running. Which version is it?
Sweet, Art. Looks great.
AWWW SHUCKS!!! Ain’t it purty!!!
“it runs with pics”…hmmmm better than it running with sissors!
Cute lil’ tyke!