I am getting the itch to build. This is my current layout.
As a point of reference, the dimensions of the room are 14x11.5’ and the grey area on the layout is a mountain with tunnel portals. Also, it is an N-Scale layout. This is the first phase of my layout. I wanted someplace to park my trains, and I wanted a complete loop because I wanted to be able to run trains. The loop at the top of the layout was designed to be modular, to be moved to the end of the layout as the layout grew. All of the track is laid and ballasted, but now I am anxious to build my town. The second phase is just that, space for a town and a station, with a spur for my grain tower.
(The turnout to nowhere, at the top right is reserved for future growth. Phase three is the industrial area along the right wall and the turnout will provide access to this area.)
Unfortunately, I need to wait another month or two to begin. The current highs during the day are well north of 100F, so building benchwork in the garage is out of the question. I am chomping at the bit to get started, but passing out from heat exhaustion is not an option. In the meantime, I would be interested in any comments you may have on the next phase.