It's almost time for $$$

Eight (8) more days and the checks go out to boost the U.S. economy, and George wants us to spend the money HERE on U.S. products to keep the $$ circulating HERE. Sooo, with that said, it sounds like NCE, Digitrax, Branchline, Kadee, Woodland Scenics, Micro Engineering, many products in the Walthers catalog, etc, etc., all made in the U.S.

I can see it all now, the headlines of newspapers and CNN, Fox TV etc., in July, Model Railroaders save the U.S. economy from Recession !!![tup][(-D]

I plan to spend the $$$ on a nice Made in the USA pellet stove. That way when my home heating oil hits $4.00 a gallon I can still afford the electricity bill so I can play trains…

I “had” a Pellet stove, thought the same thing as you. Three years ago pellets here in the Northeast were selling at $3.30 a bag bought by the ton ( 50 - 40# bags on a skid ). The price kept going up each year. When they hit $4.35 a bag this past season, I said enough. I bought a Jotul wood stove , we love it, best stove we ever had in 45 years. I have my own supply of wood so that was another deciding factor. Good luck with your Pellet stove, they are nice if you don’t own your own forest, cordwood is $235 a cord, not cheap either.

We have a pellet stove…good clean heat, but me and my brother have to lug up 80lbs of pellets from the garage to the stoves (2 of 'em) every day…

I doubt my parents would let me spend it…probably would go towards collage.[sigh]

Being in Canada I’m not getting a cheque from the US govt. [:(] but I will continue to buy all of that made in China Atlas stuff from US online hobby shops if that floats yer boats. [:D]

Ours is going to pay off a credit card or two.

My wife’s already got it set aside for bathroom renovations [banghead]

George is giving my tax money back so I can give it directly to him through my gas tank. [censored]

Seriously I would like to pick up a loco but instead I will be paying off some debt.

Mine is being applied toward my daughter’s college tuition.

The IRS believes my wife and I make too much money, so we won’t be seeing a dime from these ‘incentive’ checks…[V]

Don Z.

What rebate?? I’m too low income to qualify for this one. Ain’t that a kick! A person that REALLY needs it doesn’t qualify!

After the dust settles from the check we sent on April 15th we will net $60.00…that might pay for dinner and a movie if were lucky…oh…and a 1/4 tank a gas to get there…[:-^]

We’ll be getting a check but it won’t be boosting the economy, we’ll be paying off a few bills.

Tax checks are paying for our vacation in July. So I guess nothing for model railroading coming out of the govt. checks.


All this “stimulus” package means to me is that I will be drawing $1200 less from the IRA in the month of May.

Big whoop.


If all goes as well, I would like to invest it in a good DCC system and a DCC loco or two. I do plan to spend it very wisely, all or most of it on the model RR. Mike

I don’t think anybody is putting there check into the economy. It will be mainly gas and other bills. Ours is going to taxes for our house. Alot of people I talk to about this is, say that there money is going to go into the bank account. I don’t think its going to work like Bush wanted it to.

Whether it works as advertised or not, I’ll be happy to get my share. Many of us feel we’ve been paying more than a fair share for quite some time.

I haven’t really decided yet what I’m going to do with mine. I’ll probably just put it in the bank with the rest of my modest savings and hang onto it for a rainy day. I had thought about using some of it to buy a voice activated R2D2 to add to my robot collection but I doubt I’ll do that. The older I get the more of a miser I’ve become…


It’s a simple debt transfer. The government increases our collective debt and I reduce my personal debt. Not sure how this jump starts the economy [%-)]



MY father wants to buy a DCC system, and ALOT of scenary for our layout
