Eight (8) more days and the checks go out to boost the U.S. economy, and George wants us to spend the money HERE on U.S. products to keep the $$ circulating HERE. Sooo, with that said, it sounds like NCE, Digitrax, Branchline, Kadee, Woodland Scenics, Micro Engineering, many products in the Walthers catalog, etc, etc., all made in the U.S.
I can see it all now, the headlines of newspapers and CNN, Fox TV etc., in July, Model Railroaders save the U.S. economy from Recession !!![tup][(-D]
I plan to spend the $$$ on a nice Made in the USA pellet stove. That way when my home heating oil hits $4.00 a gallon I can still afford the electricity bill so I can play trains…
I “had” a Pellet stove, thought the same thing as you. Three years ago pellets here in the Northeast were selling at $3.30 a bag bought by the ton ( 50 - 40# bags on a skid ). The price kept going up each year. When they hit $4.35 a bag this past season, I said enough. I bought a Jotul wood stove , we love it, best stove we ever had in 45 years. I have my own supply of wood so that was another deciding factor. Good luck with your Pellet stove, they are nice if you don’t own your own forest, cordwood is $235 a cord, not cheap either.
Being in Canada I’m not getting a cheque from the US govt. [:(] but I will continue to buy all of that made in China Atlas stuff from US online hobby shops if that floats yer boats. [:D]
After the dust settles from the check we sent on April 15th we will net $60.00…that might pay for dinner and a movie if were lucky…oh…and a 1/4 tank a gas to get there…[:-^]
If all goes as well, I would like to invest it in a good DCC system and a DCC loco or two. I do plan to spend it very wisely, all or most of it on the model RR. Mike
I don’t think anybody is putting there check into the economy. It will be mainly gas and other bills. Ours is going to taxes for our house. Alot of people I talk to about this is, say that there money is going to go into the bank account. I don’t think its going to work like Bush wanted it to.
I haven’t really decided yet what I’m going to do with mine. I’ll probably just put it in the bank with the rest of my modest savings and hang onto it for a rainy day. I had thought about using some of it to buy a voice activated R2D2 to add to my robot collection but I doubt I’ll do that. The older I get the more of a miser I’ve become…
It’s a simple debt transfer. The government increases our collective debt and I reduce my personal debt. Not sure how this jump starts the economy [%-)]