I had a feeling they would have the logo in the middle, but the lightning stripe was unexpected! Looks great! Alec
Very nice indeed. Although U.P. took a bit of “artistic license” in their interpretation of the C&NW paint scheme, I think it is really nice and is a good way to honor the memory of the Northwestern. I I were to make one change I would eliminate the silver striping on the edge of the yellow color on the short hood and between the yellow and green on the long hood.
I AGREE 100%.
Very creative i think… it must have taken the artist 6, maybe even 7 tough minuets
to design that. Take a rest buddy, you must be exhausted!
I second eolafan’s view.
WOW!!! I really like that. I wouold do away with the silver stripes as well, but I REALLY like the look of it. BRAVO UP!!!
that engine looks awsome. I like it, 1 more to go UP/SP 1996 - August 19 Roseville,CA.
UP hit its mark. there’s plenty of CNW heritage to it. i like it, buuut
UP needs to realize there’s no heritage to a locomotive model that no fallen flags ever used…
however, that green and yellow and silver. i love it anyway. UP, you did good for once. now do me a favor and peel those patch decals off of 9087/8575 and stick it in that trio
First off, what’s with the lighter green pinstripe on the edge of the lightning stripe? Seccond, CNW was always known for having a simple, minimalistic paint scheme, what did they do to that? Well it’s better than nothing I guess, what’s the next heritage unit? Southern Pacific right? Cheers! ~METRO Edit: Is that the “Employee Owned” logo on the front? That would be a bit of a kick in the face.
Well, if UP wanted to make the herritage unit look as much like the real paint scheme as possible, they wouldn’t do it. It is to much money to waiste. This way, you get something nice. frankly, I love it, it makes me think of flying for some reason…
This one is almost as bad as the MP one, but thankfully not quite.
It looks to me like very little creativity went into this one. The DRGW with the mountains and everything was very good and creative, but this one looks like a slight (allow me to accent SLIGHT) variation on the paint scheme used on the AC4400’s.
My dad (who is a former CNW employee) absolutely hates it. He says the herald on the side is way to big (although I think that’s the only thing seperating this from the “normal” paint scheme [in other words I like it]).
Well, I guess that puts UP at 2-2-1 on the Heritage locos (in my opinion anyway), hopefully the SP ACe won’t be confused with the regular unpatched SP power like the CNW looks like it could.
EDIT: yes, Metro, upon further review it appears that, at least on the front, that is the “employee owned” logo. Although, please explain what you mean by “kick in the face”.
I like it, very nice!
[:D]yhanks up for another fine lightning fast and lightning powerfull thunderous locomotive.
most alive colors yet !!! hope it low balls thru rochelle tomoro !!! thats a ace in my book!!!
Well, If the MPCRB (hope that’s correct) goes on the Union Pacific METRA WEST GENEVA SUB line, then I plan to see it too!
I like it. It’s got a certain…boldness to it. Says something like “I’m CNW and proud of it!” Thanks for the pic! [:D] [^]
It’s more than any other railroad is doing to “preserve” it’s history. I think we should just be happy that they are doing this much. You can’t please everybody.