Its Like Magic!!!

Heyy guys i tryed making a lake and i was greatky dissapointed the next day when i went down and the realistic water i had poured in had dissapeared? i filled what i wanted too be a lake and when i went down the next morning it was totally gone. not a layer of water too be found. how in the world did this happen and is there a better product then realistic water? I am totally confused!!!


Is there foam under the lake??

Yea, we’ve had that issue. The only thing my dad and I have done is just add more layers. It looks pretty good after 5 or 6 layers.

I’ve thought of a new slogan for the realistic water too… “It’s so real, it even evaporates!”

Wow! It sounds like either the layer you poured was too thin, or the lake bed wasn’t sealed. Most suggestions are to use latex paint. I poured three layers, about 1/8" thick one day apart, on my layout, and in the end, it shrank about 1/16". I had used the Realistic Water.


Yes My Base Is Foam Does That Mean Anything? lol i get it now did it suck into the foam?

that seems likely nenver had it happen but i bet after enough layers it cant soak up anymore and it will stay above the foam. is there a way maybe that you could seal it of so it would soak through the foam then you wouldnt waste any.

it tends to “eat” the foam

The water either ran/leaked out (look under the layout for it) or it shrank. Realistic Water will shrink a great deal, especially the first pour.

How deep did you pour it? When they say 1/8" they mean 1/8". The first time I used it, my creek bed wasn’t level, and ended up with 3/8" of Realistic Water at one end. By the time it has dry, there was only about a 1/16" left.

You might want to try Enviro Tex epoxy instead.


So true, so true.

I had the same thing happen when I poured my river on my recent Diorama. Poured it, went back seveal hours later and all I saw was a nice shine on the river bed. Poured it again. This time some stuck. When dry I picked up the diorama and darned if I didn’t find the WS water glued to the table top. Apparently flowed down the tiny cracks out the bottom of the Diorama. Fortunately it was outside so no damage was down. I wasn’t real happy with the results of WS relistic water anyway for several reasons. I don’t like having to pour only 1/8 of an inch at a time. What else do you guys use for water besides WS?


maybe give it a hydrocal covering before pouring.the fake water.