Jackpot, again!

Last time it was track, $64.00 worth, for half off. This time perfectly good lumber just wide enough to make a pretty simple yet nice three rail layout. All I need is some wire, curved sections, and one or two switches and I can build another layout. All just in time for my fifteenth birthday.

Has this been incredible luck or what?

I’d say you’ve had a great week. This is the time of year for those kinds of finds though–lumber because people are involved in projects and are discarding their leftovers, and trains because people are doing their spring cleaning. Keep your eyes peeled–the wire could be next.

I already have plenty of that.

I lurk around the Viacom guys for wire. They’re forever rewiring a distribution box on our street and leave lots of useful loose offcuts about. I worry that it might be too fine for track current but it’ll do fine for accessories that run off 12v

That is intresting.