Jamestown dedicates restored EL passenger depot

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Jamestown dedicates restored EL passenger depot

Picture(s) would be nice.

Now we know why I86 in New York is falling apart. Divert truck driver paid highway trust fund money from highway maintenance to an unused train station that will never see another passenger train. And even if it does, only the very elite few will use it. So how do we solve this problem? Eliminate all fuel taxes and convert all the roads to toll roads, with each state having one or more toll authorities who can’t take the tolls and give the funds to non-toll road projects.

WE were in attendence at the ribbon cutting, the restoration project was done with a fine tooth comb, everything was bright and shinny with Doors and windows, redone locally by many shops, the Vicose engine O-4-) did a real treat to the festivities with a young lady as Lucille Ball in the thirties in attendence also.I will try to send Pics when available from my Phone.

Jeffery Guse are you a Libertarian? Remember Libertarianism=anarchy.

Hey Jeff…the railroads got the screws put to them by the government by building those interstate highways to begin with. Don’t expect me to shed a tear for the trucking industry!

Just for the record the WNY&P business car is the Traveller, not Traveler.

Just for the record the WNY&P business car is the Traveller, not Traveler.

Too bad Jamestown is without passenger service, the station is fabulous. There was certainly tremendous excitement on Friday. Its amazing that the Erie built such a treasure in the height of the Great Depression. I’m hopeful something very positive can be built upon this momentum,

Does Jeffery Guse know that trucks pay in fuel taxes only a tiny fraction of the cost of the damage they do to highways? So don’t shed too many tears for “their” fuel tax burden.

There are photographs aplenty at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152188573695276.911761.246554290275&type=1&l=dce2df0cc0

Is Jeffrey Guse ever happy about anything?? All that guy does is complain. The amount of money “diverted” from I 86 is piddly compared to what it needs.

The issue of trains ever returning to Jamestown is a legitimate one, however. As things are presently configured, There is no simple way to connect a train going to Jamestown as a through run, though I would think it would be possible to make a connection at Youngstown. Otherwise, it’s a long dead end. I’m not sure Short Line even sends buses that far west any more-they may only go to Olean.