HAPPY NEW YEAR. May your 2015 be your best ever until next year. [D] Stay safe and healthy. Blackeyed peas in soak now.
What!!! cheated again
Happy New Years All
SJ did you really expect any different from a elected official [(-D]
Saying goodbye to 2014 is a little bittersweet, saying goodbye to close friends was hard but saying hello to a new grandaughter is awesome. To all of you I offer a hearty Prost to you, 2015 is going to be wonderful [D]
Well Frank since you know you Rebels can’t stay up past midnight and you started the new thread early, I will just move this to here. [;)]
Have fun guys and stay safe. We are going to stay home, Light a fire in the fireplace, broil fish, watch The Twilight Zone marathon and go to bed early.
Sandra is a bit better today. I am a bit worse.
12 degrees out there now with 30 + MPH winds tonight. Sub 0 wind chills. No place for us out there.
Happy New Year!!!
Just got a call from the SIL, Seems Lexi and Katie are in the ER. Lexi took a dive on the hardwood floor and split her chin open, That should make for a fun night. Their friends are already showing up. Dan said 3 to 4 stictiches. Can’t catch a break.
Be safe!!!
Jon, Congrats on the new grandaughter!!! [:D]
Happy New Year, Guys !!!
Happy New Years fellas.
Been sick since Sunday, yes I went to Dr yesterday and they said it was all allergies… that is why taking the anti-biotic and my two allergy meds have done nothing. [sigh]
2014 was a rough year for many I know, some lost loved ones, some battled and won illnesses, and unfortunately some lost those battles. For me it was eye opening and I really hope I can make some much needed and long awaited changes.
Hope everyone has a joyous, prosperous, and healthy 2015. God Bless you all.
Page one. Wow!
Cold here today. Teens this morning with a high of 25.
We put 1500 miles on the van last week making the Christmas visit to Michigan. Nice trip, but glad to be home.
Belated Christmas greetings and a current happy New Year.
Got out to see the Hobbit film and Into the Woods this week. Both are pretty good films. Even though Into the Woods is fairy tale themed, but it is definitely not a film for young kids.
Charlie - I liked your vidio of the sale 1225 Berkshire. Impressive piece. Makes me wish I’d have pulled the trigger on that one.
We had our black eyed peas in a batch of hoppin John that we cooked up tonight, washed down with some good red wine.
About all for now.
Happy New Year!!!
It has been a fun year with trains
Over the Continental Divide at Izack Walton Inn
Across the high grasslands of Arizona on the way to the Grand Canyon
Running the Baltimore, Ohio and Wabash
New power
A very Happy and Healthy New Year to all.
Happy New Year To All !
Want to wish all a Happy and prosperous New Year. Will be at the museum tomorrow, new years day at the museum has turned into an annual event with our spouses coming down to join us for a nice lunch and a bit of the bubbly. Will be back to the museum again on Friday so will probably not have a chance to be back on til Saturday.
Jon, The next time you and Sharyl are in town you’ll be gald to know that the pipe organ has been refurbished/upgraded for the centennial with the debut tonight.
Man it is cold here for the past few days. Not near as bad as most of you guys but for Cali it is cold. There are some towns in San Diego /Riverside counties that have seen snow for the first time in many a decade, even some higher elevations of Escondido were reporting snow, Thank goodness it wasn’t wide spread and sticking on the roads, most people out here can’t drive in the rain let alone on snow. Heard one report where I-15 was shut down in Temecula for ice & snow.
Stayed away from the forum for a few days, had some functionality issues trying to post a few days back and was in no mood to try again for awhile.
Oh well, have a safe and sane New Year’s.
Nite All.
Good evening all,
I wish you all a Happy New Year! Hopefully 2015 will find us all healthy and happy with lots of soccer wins and Indycar wins for my favorite teams. I hope everyone has a good day.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
Foiled again!!! I’m just headed to bed.
Happy New Year Everyone! Here’s hoping that 2015 is good to all of us!
Hello all
See they are still having fun w/ the software.
Up at work for another week. New Years is my least favorite of holidays, so I’d rather be up here.
RIJack - good to see you back
Chief w/ a violin?! I’m guessing he may make it thru the part about ‘chicken in the bread pan pickin’ out dough…'[:P]
Rich - let’s see who is the first to get on the road … the Roadrunner or the Corvan:)
Christmas was quiet. The Brill trolley got it’s last frame piece for the A end anyways. 4dr got an oil change and a new pan gasket. We also started an engine on one of the guys in the club '62 Coupe. Beautiful car and sounds like a aircraft w/ just the exhaust stacks on the heads!
It’s January 1st and you know what that means…
[<:o)]Happy Birthday, LAZ!!![<:o)]
Tanks BUCKEYE for the BIRTDAY WISHES!!! Hope all is well with YUZ GUYZ? Big CONGAs for your milesstones that I have missed and prayers for those on the mend.
Stay frosty my friends,
Happy, oh sorry, Happy New Year boys… [D]
Made myself a big omlette this morning. Lots o’ honey-dos today. Steaks on the grill tonight.
laz —> [bday]
_Chief -_Let’s here it, “Devil went down to Rolesville he was lookin’ for a soul to steal…” [(-D]