Jarrell's Show Me Something — August 2022

I do believe this is a request I can fufill!

Welcome to the Balfour and Colucci Creek Southern Railroad!

SD40-2 6858

RS2 303

B30-7 501

And many more that I don’t have pictures of in scenery because I’ve been using painting as a way to escape from all my schoolwork!

Show me more fictional paint schemes!

A leased Middlefield Central & Terminal NW2 pinch-hits for the usual switcher at Otis Steel:

MC&T_28 by Edmund, on Flickr

More fictional or fantasy road names, please.

I have a fondness for wagon top boxcars. The NYBW has a small fleet of them.

More fiction please.

John - Morefiction.

IMG_5172 by David Harrison, on Flickr

More fiction please


I’ll come back in with a picture of the New England, Berkshire, and Western!

Anyone else have any fiction to share?

BRV #1116. The only loco in the home road livery.

More fictional roads please.

The fictional short line Munsee Valley Railroad connects with the equally fictional New York, Binghamton, & Western at Bedford Falls. Here is the MVRR’s rickety old caboose.

Let’s stick with the fictional road theme a little while longer.

Maybe a stretch, but after reading about them in the Sept. issue of MRR mag please show me a Helium car. Thanks & regards, Peter

This car is awaiting some modifications such as new ladders, grab irons and sill steps. Hopefully a manufacturer might come along with a new and improved version some day:

Helium_tube by Edmund, on Flickr

Anyone else with a helium car?

Not me. I had one but it floated away.[:D]

Maybe someone else has one that’s tied down.

New day — new request:

NKP_540-RS3a by Edmund, on Flickr

Show me an Alco Diesel.

An ALCO diesel pulling a train over a bridge:

-Photograph by Kevin Parson

This scene is on the Atlanta Interlocking Railroader’s portable modular layout.

Please show me another Alco Locomotive.

Alco Makes The Trains Go


3 Alco RS-11’s with a Pennsy Coal Drag going up the hill.

Show me another ALCO Locomotive!

Rick Jesionowski

Here’s B&CCS 303, an ALCO RS2, hauling a local into town!

More ALCOs please!

How about a pair of ALCOs? Most of my commuter trains are handled by RS1s and RS3s. Here a bird’s eye view of NYBW RS-1 and Pennsy RS-3 leading inbound commuter trains during the morning rush hour at West Chester. I learned after staging this photo a few months ago that Pennsy also ran theirs long hood forward.

Since ALCOs seem popular, let’s stay with them for awhile.

Checking the piston travel on a brand-new FA:

EL_7381-pit by Edmund, on Flickr

Continue with Alco, please.

This has given me an excuse to dust off (literally) my steamers from my previous UP layout.

More ALCOs please.

Alco, Schenectady, 1918:

GTW_3734_2 by Edmund, on Flickr

More from Alco, please.

PA if you please.

-Photograph by Kevin Parson

This scene is on the Suncoast American Flyer Enthusiast’s S scale train show display layout.

Show me something else painted silver.


A Northern Pacific mechanical reefer with a load of Pacific Northwest seafood for delivery to the cold storage warehouse.

I’ve got lots of silver so let’s stay with that.