I do believe this is a request I can fufill!
Welcome to the Balfour and Colucci Creek Southern Railroad!
SD40-2 6858
RS2 303
B30-7 501
And many more that I don’t have pictures of in scenery because I’ve been using painting as a way to escape from all my schoolwork!
Show me more fictional paint schemes!
A leased Middlefield Central & Terminal NW2 pinch-hits for the usual switcher at Otis Steel:
MC&T_28 by Edmund , on Flickr
More fictional or fantasy road names, please.
I have a fondness for wagon top boxcars. The NYBW has a small fleet of them.
More fiction please.
John - Morefiction.
IMG_5172 by David Harrison , on Flickr
More fiction please
More fiction please
I’ll come back in with a picture of the New England, Berkshire, and Western!
Anyone else have any fiction to share?
August 5, 2022, 9:08pm
BRV #1116 . The only loco in the home road livery.
More fictional roads please.
The fictional short line Munsee Valley Railroad connects with the equally fictional New York, Binghamton, & Western at Bedford Falls. Here is the MVRR’s rickety old caboose.
Let’s stick with the fictional road theme a little while longer.
Maybe a stretch, but after reading about them in the Sept. issue of MRR mag please show me a Helium car. Thanks & regards, Peter
This car is awaiting some modifications such as new ladders, grab irons and sill steps. Hopefully a manufacturer might come along with a new and improved version some day:
Helium_tube by Edmund , on Flickr
Anyone else with a helium car?
Maybe a stretch, but after reading about them in the Sept. issue of MRR mag please show me a Helium car.
This car is awaiting some modifications such as new ladders, grab irons and sill steps. Hopefully a manufacturer might come along with a new and improved version some day:
Helium_tube by Edmund , on Flickr
Anyone else with a helium car?
Not me. I had one but it floated away.[:D]
Maybe someone else has one that’s tied down.
New day — new request:
NKP_540-RS3a by Edmund , on Flickr
Show me an Alco Diesel.
An ALCO diesel pulling a train over a bridge:
-Photograph by Kevin Parson
This scene is on the Atlanta Interlocking Railroader’s portable modular layout.
Please show me another Alco Locomotive.
Alco Makes The Trains Go
August 8, 2022, 11:31am
3 Alco RS-11’s with a Pennsy Coal Drag going up the hill.
Show me another ALCO Locomotive!
Rick Jesionowski
Here’s B&CCS 303, an ALCO RS2, hauling a local into town!
More ALCOs please!
How about a pair of ALCOs? Most of my commuter trains are handled by RS1s and RS3s. Here a bird’s eye view of NYBW RS-1 and Pennsy RS-3 leading inbound commuter trains during the morning rush hour at West Chester. I learned after staging this photo a few months ago that Pennsy also ran theirs long hood forward.
Since ALCOs seem popular, let’s stay with them for awhile.
Checking the piston travel on a brand-new FA:
EL_7381-pit by Edmund , on Flickr
Continue with Alco, please.
This has given me an excuse to dust off (literally) my steamers from my previous UP layout.
More ALCOs please.
Alco, Schenectady, 1918:
GTW_3734_2 by Edmund , on Flickr
More from Alco, please.
PA if you please.
-Photograph by Kevin Parson
This scene is on the Suncoast American Flyer Enthusiast’s S scale train show display layout.
Show me something else painted silver.
A Northern Pacific mechanical reefer with a load of Pacific Northwest seafood for delivery to the cold storage warehouse.
I’ve got lots of silver so let’s stay with that.