Welcome to Show Me Something for November, 2022.
I would like to start with one of the spectacular pictures shared by a lost member.
-Photograph by Garry Boyd
Please show me another switcher.
Here is one, calling it a night.
Another switcher, please.
Spotting the caboose:
NKP_switcher by Edmund, on Flickr
Another switcher would be great.
Thanks for setting up November SMS, Kevin.
More switchers please. Regards, Peter
“More switchers please. Regars. Peter”
How about two?
Still more switchers please.
ok here is one rs27 doing switch duties
more switchers please
They were known as shifters on the PRR:
PRR_B8b_tone by Edmund, on Flickr
More switchers, shunters or shifters, please.
It’s 2349’s first day on the job…
A water tower or column, please.
OK, I’m a post late for switchers, but I wanted to share this one anyway.
Now back to water towers or columns…
How about a “water bridge”? There’s a column there, too, in the left frame.
NYC_H-10_painted by Edmund, on Flickr
I saw a few of these bridges with spouts on them that the PRR used. This is a “kitbash” of an IHC gantry and Tichy spouts.
PRR Water Bridge by Edmund, on Flickr
More water plugs, columns or towers, please.
More workers, please.
Making a cut…
More workers please.
Wayne - More workers.
Locomotive crew.
IMG_2547 by David Harrison, on Flickr
More workers please.
Gandy dancers at the end of their shift:
Track_Crew by Edmund, on Flickr
More little people doing things, please.
Heres some Dude, seeing how far he can throw a rock from way up high.
Anyone gotta bridge please?
Show me a bridge.
Here is one:
-Photograph by Kevin Parson
Please show me another bridge.
Here’s an aerial view, courtesy of Secord Air Services…
More bridges, please.