Well, with Kevin taking care of more important things I’ll help out and move the “Show Me Something” thread into a new month.
TF asked for, Entrances, exits, or inside a model railroad tunnel, please.
Well, with Kevin taking care of more important things I’ll help out and move the “Show Me Something” thread into a new month.
TF asked for, Entrances, exits, or inside a model railroad tunnel, please.
Thanks for the setup, Brent [bow]
A tunnel EXIT
Rapido Beeliner by Edmund, on Flickr
More tunnels — or anything a train can go into or out of, please.
Not a tunnel, but they are coming and going under the roadway.
Mor tunnels — or anything a train can go into or out of, or may be under. Please.
Hoppers under the Hulett ore unloaders:
Hulett_fix by Edmund, on Flickr
Hulett_steam by Edmund, on Flickr
More things that trains can get into, out of or under, please.
More things that trains can get into, out of or under, please.
Under the loading gauge
IMG_2340 by David Harrison, on Flickr
Anything of your choice.
How about an Emblem?
Please show me something similar.
Another emblem — the tail sign of the Twentieth Century Limited:
Century_2 by Edmund, on Flickr
More emblems, heralds, symbols or flags, please.
Ed - Emblems, heralds, symbols or flags.
Scottie Dog for Glasgow Eastfield Depot.
IMG_5004 by David Harrison, on Flickr
More emblems, heralds, symbols or flags, please.
David “More enblems, haralds, sympols or flags, please.”
The iconic New York Central Herald on a Jade Green boxcar.
More emblems, heralds, symbols or flags, please.
A Wabash “Follow the Flag” emblem on this auto rack:
Wabash_F89FH_Autorack by Edmund, on Flickr
And a Lehigh Valley flag emblem, too:
L-V_X58_7106 by Edmund, on Flickr
Show me something painted white, please.
I have some Lehigh Valley car cars.
An unboxed, unrailed Minnesota Dakota and Western Boise Cascade Car.
Hard to find and going to my Brother’s layout because he models the Boise Cascade paper mill in International Falls Minnesota.
More painted white please.
Milk? From a LION? You had better be quick!
Lion_Milk by Edmund, on Flickr
Another wooden car please.
Ed - Another wooden car.
Three of them.
IMG_2340 by David Harrison, on Flickr
Another wooden car please.
I had to dig for it but here is a wooden sided car. A novelty car to be sure, but still of wood construction:
GD 48.
Lets have a loaded gondola, please.
Show more loaded gondolas. Regards, Peter
Here is one…
-Photograph by Kevin Parson
Another loaded gondola please.
A (loaded gondola) freight passing a waited passenger train.
Show me a tank car.
More tank cars please. Regards, Peter
[quote user=“HO-Velo”]
More tank cars please. Regards, Peter
IMG_5063 by David Harrison, on Flickr
More tank cars please