Jeffrey’s Trackside Diner for February 2025

Good morning, everyone. I’ll have bacon, eggs, and coffee, please.

Strong north wind blowing hard – can only mean one thing – it’s going to get colder. Of course, that also means that Cookie the Dog, the master of the house, will demand that I walk her several times today. It takes nearly as long to bundle up as the time spent walking.

Not sure why I haven’t seen the spam others are complaining about. Maybe the moderators have removed it by the time I log in.

I found a channel that streams all the old “I Spy” programs from the 1960s. I loved it then, and I find them just as good now. It seems that TV writers back then were more talented. I can work on the layout and feel like a cold-war spy at the same time.

Communication on the RR:

They delivered mail under London by train:

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Yes, I remember it well when I worked at the Post Office.
Thanks for posting, John


Good evening all. Temperature says 7c yet it feels much colder.

Two Ex-South Western carriages now in the North of England converted to restaurant type. Lunches and Afternoon Teas at the Heritage Centre, Bellingham North Tyne Station. (Just up the road from our home.


Good afternoon from the snowy West Coast where it is -6c. We have had about 15cm with another 20 on the way. I won’t be shovelling the driveway this year.

Welcome back Jimmy B. I have seen some of your post on FB and I hope you share your work and music here.

I got 3.72kms in yesterday and felt great afterwards. I was moving so slowly though it made me feel the cold. Baby steps. I put my Garmin back on for the first time in a month.

I see the surgeon in two weeks, though he has phoned me a couple of times just to check up on me. Great guy.

After my surgery I was down about six pounds, and I have gained five back, but have definitely lost some muscle after being a couch slug for a month.

We had a big family bash at the brother-in-laws on Saturday that was put off a month due to my surgery, about 30 people all agreed to wait so I could attend.

Time to mosey into the train room and tidy things up a bit and maybe run a train or two. I need to get Dave’s plough on the track and see if I can figure out the programing, though I think he ran it down in one of his emails to me.

All the best to all.


Good morning all.

I’ve been wondering, how many folks here run DCC on their layout vs DC? I find it interesting to compare that to some other internet locations (like social media).

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Track Fiddler isn’t here to post his Pink Floyd videos. I’m a big Floyd fan. I DO like the brass section here, and the piano bit is sure lively!

Oh, Martha! ( Jack Benny for those of us at a certain age! )

Can you believe these are now historic locomotives, long out of service!

EMD-AEM7-AMTRAK-900-LA-GRANGE-IL-JAN80-COPYRIGHT-PRESTON-COOK-L by John W. Barriger III National Railroad Library, on Flickr

Keep livin’ kid!

Cheers, Ed

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I’m not really a regular in the Diner. The food sucks, and they don’t carry Drambui in the bar. But, I do stop by occasionally, and my layout is DCC.


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With a large fleet of locomotives, most of which have been ‘operational’ before DCC was heard of, my layout is DC.


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Shh! Brunhilda saves the bottle for Dawn for when she visits.


Seriously, is Dawn a Rusty Nail fan?


Why do you think, Brunhilda ‘hides’ the bottle for her? :joy:


Well, I’ll be. On our way to Scotland, my wife and I will stop by to say hello to Dawn.


Good morning erveryone! Greetings from “The Crossroads of America “, Indianapolis, Indiana. 1 hot cup of coffee, please.

In response to the question about interaction with friendly crew members; I have a very great memory to share. I was about 17-years of age and was visiting my family members that resided in Bloomington, Indiana.

My first cousin’s gentlemen friend was there that day, and I discovered he was a switchman on the railroad - needless to say - he became the center of my conversations.

His name was “Hap”, short for his given name “Happy”. Believe me, his given name perfectly fit his personality! Before long, while the rest of the conclave gathered in the house to talk and visit. Hap and I found ourselves out on the front porch steps talking about trains.

On the second morning we were there, I was out front awaiting Hap’s arrival when I heard a mournful sound coming from downtown. It was a C.I.&L.RR (MONON ROUTE) southbound pulling through town; making its way from Lafayette, Indiana down to Louisville, Kentucky.

As I sat there surrounded by the sounds of that passing freight, Hap drove up and yelled “…get in, we got a train to catch!” This was back in the day, my parents were inside - and I was in a car headed to who knows where….but…I did know one thing. There was a MONON Freight train waiting for me there!

Hap and I drove a few blocks down the street, turned off the main street onto a side street then again turned into a very narrow alley. a head a few hundred feet I could see moving freight cars. I Was In HEAVEN!!!

The car rolled to a stop right next to the MONON mainline, Hap and I quickly exited and walked towards the tracks. “Frank and Tom should be here in a minute.” Hap smiled “I think you are going to enjoy this.” He laughed.

Within a few seconds a headlight appeared from the southern direction. Well, that was confusing, I had heard the southbound freight and I presumed we were going to meet it. Nope. Something totally different lay in wait.

A MONON locomotive, that I will admit not knowing what type it was, slowly approached us and stopped in front of us. “Come on, let’s get a going boy! We have work to do!” Yelled one of the crew from within the cab! I TRULY WAS IN SHOCK AND IN HEAVEN!

Hap helped me up and onboard, the promptly introduced Frank the engineer and Tom the fireman. (Steam had only been gone from the MONON for a couple of years, so that title was in regular every-day-use).

Hap and I spent the entire morning aboard that little engine - which I later discovered was a Monon ALCO RSD15 “Alligator”. I was laughing, watching, learning - and forming a memory that I never will forget! It has now been 57-years……Thank You Happy, Thank You Frank, Thank You Tom….I will always be grateful.


Welcome back to the forum, Indiana Short-line! The waitresses are always glad to see a new source of tips.

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What a great story, Indiana_Short_line!

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Welcome back Indiana_Short_line.
Love your story.


She will be made most welcome. Lunch or Afternoon Tea in the railway carriages?


I’m thinking a Rusty Nail in the Highlands.


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Good morning. I have nothing on the calendar today except layout work!

Batman, glad to hear your recovery is moving along. It won’t be too long and you’ll be running with the dogs again.

Welcome to the New Diner Patrons! It’s good to have the diner a little more crowded.

Bear, my wife says she read somewhere there is a new season of Brokenwood Mysteries coming soon. We both love that show, although I told you once that when we watch it, I turn on the closed captioning. I can understand most of the NZ English, but when they talk fast and slur some words, I’m lost. Love the NZ scenery in that show.

mdmasc91, I started my very first layout about five years ago after I retired, and the hobby shop suggested I use DCC. I’m happy with the choice.

I’m missing Track Fiddler. Hope he is OK.

For everyone not mentioned, I hope you are well and able to enjoy the railroad.

I’ve docked my boat in New Orleans for the Super Bowl. I had to use my small yacht since my regular one wouldn’t fit the dock space:


My girlfriend sent me a picture of your fine watercraft :wink: :wink: taken from her office the other day!

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