Welcome to Jeffrey´s Trackside Diner in its June 2017 location!
This is a place to gather, a place without an agenda or a topic. It’s free to all, to read, to join in, or just to enjoy some virtual food. Our gracious hosts ask only that we avoid certain hot-button topics like politics and religion that sometimes raise tempers.
You’ll get to know the friendly staff just by listening. It’s a place to share your day, your concerns, your joys and sorrows. Welcome aboard!
This month, the Diner has a new location far away from the old and trodden tracks of home! Following Brent´s suggestion, the Diner will be “under downunder” on the island of Tasmania, where we will explore the many tourist lines giving us a “whiff of the good old colonial times”.
Tasmania, abbreviated as Tas and known colloquially as “Tassie”, is an island state of the Commonwealth of Australia. It is located 240 km (150 mi) to the south of the Australian mainland, separated by Bass Strait. The state encompasses the main island of Tasmania, the 26th-largest island in the world, and the surrounding 334 islands. The state has a population of around 519,100 (as of June 2016), just over forty percent of which resides in the Greater Hobart precinct, which forms the metropolitan area of the state capital and largest city, Hobart.
We start our stay on the island with a visit to the Westcoast Wilderness Railway in Strahan, TAS. The West Coast Wilderness Railway is a reconstruction of the Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company railway in Tasmania between Queenstown and Regatta Point, Strahan.
As usual the video was good too. I particularly enjoyed the first few minutes when the damp weather was preventing the steam from evaporating quickly and the locomotive was engulfed in steam.
Just thought I would stop in and say Hi…Nice job on the intro Ulrich…hope things are some what better for You & Yours.
I have been lurking occasionally, but not getting too involved on any of the threads. Been using My time to try and complete My on going projects, with going on 75 this yr. it’s taking a lot longer to do the things that came so easy before…never really gave much thought about how age can affect so much and My so called gift shoulder from Vietnam is not helping either. To tell the truth…I never even thought I would make it this far…My Dad died at 61…long time ago.
Frank, hope your shoulder doesn’t bother you much.
I gotta stop sleeping with an open window-dry throat In the mornings.
Oh, yesterday I picked up a backpack for an upcoming day trip to Altoona on Amtrak. It’ll be my first time on a non tourist train. I’m also overjoyed the penguins won last night, just two more games for the Stanley cup. I’m also glad to see Austin dillon won hos first NASCAR cup race on Sunday-first time in 17 years the “3” Went back to victory lane. The last time was october 2000, by the late Dale Earnhardt Sr…his last win to.
the move is going eh…had to hire movers for the heaviest stuff-cobalt and a WV are not good moving cars. Hope everyone has a good day
I’ll have a regular coffee and a blueberry donut please and just sit for a minute. Crazy busy with w…k getting cars to Lime Rock today and Sunday unload/reload for Indy and the open wheel vintage meet there. Indy will be the start of the U.S. swing of the Formula Junior Diamond Jubilee Tour which started in 2016 in South Africa then Europe, then Australia and New Zealand in 2017 before coming here. We are currently overrun with Aussies fixing cars for the tour as we ended up in Invercargill mid February shoved everything in containers not to be seen again until two weeks ago. The container my shop sent from the states didn’t get here until noon last Saturday so we’re scrambling here even more than the rest.
Layout front is still slow but I’m adding interior bits to one of the industrial buildings, streets and fences at the same and trying to get cycled through the power pool to make sure it still operates.
Well enough chit chat, gotta get moving. Catch y’all later, J.R.
I see several people were talking about the losses in their lives at the end of the last thread. My heart goes out to each of you. I’ve not experienced the loss of someone close to me (other than pets), so I can only imagine what it feels like. Nonetheless, you all have my sympathies.
Some people were also saying we should try to start off this month’s Diner on a cheerier note. Well, this isn’t exactly heartwarming, but it is lighthearted. Today my wife is getting her hair colored for the first time in her 45 years. She had some stripes put in last month as a test, but this time she’s going all-out. And she’s going… PURPLE! Whole-head, grape purple. That’s her favorite color by far, and she got great response and lots of compliments on her purple stripes earlier, so she’s going for it! Combined with her new haircut I think it will be super cute. And it will certainly garner lots of attention at the Bead & Button Show next week.
Speaking of next week, I’m going to be off for the show from Wednesday through the following Monday. Dana’s going to be keeping an eye on you, and he doesn’t know you guys like I do, so be on your best behavior, 'k? [angel]
Ulrich- Thanks for the video. I thought that little locomotive was a model and not the real thing. I enjoyed it.
Instead of buying new track, I will be using the track I have. Since I don’t have enough money to buy more. The layout design is pretty simple 1 pack #4 left switch, 1 pack 9_3/4 straight track, and 2 pack 12_3/4 curve track.
This will be first layout and a practice one until the one I wanted to build earlier this year becomes more available.
Steven - your story makes me chuckle! I remember very well the day my wife discovered her first streak of grey in her hair. She was in tears that day, but began to smile, when I came home with two different bottled remedies - one was a bottle of dye for her (she still uses the same brand) and the other one a bottle of Bayley´s Original Irish Cream, her favorite poison in those days.
Actually, the day she discovered she needs reading glasses was much worse - and more expensive, as providing some bottled comfort was not sufficient!
Steven. … Purple? Hmmmm . Well if that is what she wants, that’s fine. I saw your suggestion for not losing coupler springs when replacing them it was on the MR Facebook page. Good idea.
If somebody wants something to do this week end , come to Kentucky for bargain hunting at the 400 mile yard sale. It is along US 68 from Paducah through Cadiz, Hopkinsville, Bowling Green, Lexington and northeast into Ohio. Driving along that highway will be challenging as cars ahead of you may suddenly stop to pull off the highway for a yard sale. They do this every year during the first weekend of June.
Flo, Ed, Jan, Brent and I will have a Irish Cream with a [B] chaser please.
Day Off And Blood Sugar Front. Got up late and tested my blood around 9:00 AM. I was at 195 which is way high, but I ate real late so maybe that is why? Had 3 eggs (no carb’s) and .20 section of a bratwurst so maybe .50 of a carb? [:-^] Did my running and got home around 2:00 PM. Had nothing to eat and was drinking water. Tested my blood again, it was 181 and again way to high?
Well I felt good and did two hours of yard work. That should lower the sugar count!! [:D] I was stunned when I saw 2 hours later it was up to 193? [banghead] Not a dang thing to eat and was drinking water the whole time?
Well the good news is I have some reading’s and facts about what is going on next week when I go to the VA to see the Dietitian next week!
Give Ken (and anyone else who wants it) a double of the really prime aged (three weeks) oh be joyful !
Bread, pastery, chips, about all junk food, is a no-no for me. Since I cook, and make yeast rolls, bread, cookies–this is especially hard. I have also found that when working, cutting firewood especially, will drive my blood sugar up. It is also elevated when I get up. I would say in the morning, but I usually get up around 1300, don’t turn in until 0300-0400. Today it was 152 when I rolled out, after eating last night it was 199, results of two slices of Italian bread, and a slice of chocolate cream pie. Won’t do that again for awhile. I have a older brother, in his 90s, with the same condition–he is still very active, gardens. drives a shaft drive BMW he rebuilt three years ago–wears a helmet so cops cant see how old he is, biggest downfall is butter pecan ice cream—he will transgress twice a month or so. Calls it his Rewards system. I wonder about the people who complain when their blood sugar is “high” at 97—when I was 11 perhaps. It is a constant watch, I have found things that I thought weren’t bad, are-and vice-versa. Once you find a food that drives it off the chart best to avoid, or eat very spareingly. Rewards system.! Oh!----Weight loss, went from 296 to 204, target is 168, same as when I got out of boot camp.
Janie, just a cup of decaf for me at the moment, please.
Well, [color=red]Ken[/color] and [color=red]Herrinchoker[/color], you guys make me feel real good about my readings today… Was 115 for me when I rolled out of bed this morning. That is very low for me when I get up. Usually 135 or higher. Doc says don’t worry about it as it is likely from the shot of glucose the liver hits us with to say “Wake-up Time”. Lunch was a bunch of odds and ends I had in the fridge. Way over did it as there was a lot of odds and ends in there. Tonight I kinda just snacked for supper. Had a couple slices of Turkey Breast, some fresh fruit cup, and a chocolate bar for desert… Later had a couple of candies I shouldn’t have, and just took my reading and it was 151. Not too bad actually for being very bad today. Weight loss… About a year after my wife died, I had put on 90lbs. Topped the scale at 320lbs. I am now finally back to within a couple of lbs. of what I weighed 30 years ago (about 235). Would like to take off another 10/15 though.
Had a very funny incident happen when I stopped at the Post office to buy some stamps for the NMRA. When I got there the only place in front of the PO empty was a handicapped one and I figured that the local Police would be right around the corner to catch me. I turned onto the side street, and there were about 3 empty spaces right near the side (handicapped) ramp going into the building, so I pulled up and backed into one of them. As soon as I got out of the Volt, I see an elderly (Probably 90 or so) gentleman making his way down the ramp very slowly and intently staring at my car. He looked over at me and said something. Since I was across the street I told him to hold on, I would be right over. When I got over to him he said, “What kind of car is that?”&
Thanks for the move to the JUNE Diner, Ulrich! I really can’t recall the last time I was in Tasmania? Humm… must have slept through the stop.
I hope you enjoy the Amtrak trip to Altoona, Jimmy. I have done that several times myself and always enjoyed it. I really miss the daytime #43 & 44 that used to serve Cleveland and points west.
Frank, I was just editing some photos of the old GE plant I spent almost 40 years with. Whenever I see truck photos I think of you…
A nice Chain-drive Mack!
A Brockway. Look at that neat “waterfall” grille up front!
And a “modern” COE GMC!
I have been working on making a commemorative DVD with hundreds of photos of the plant over the years for the “last fling” gathering before the place closes later this year.
June and the temperature in N-E Ohio now is 49°F !!
Today is National Doughnut Day in the U.S. Doughnuts for everyone, on the house!
Zoe, coffee and one of the doughnuts Steven brought along, please! What a “sweet” gesture, Steven - thank you!
I am not having a good day, but that virtual donut ma help to cheer me up a little. I had a dreadful pain attack last night, nearly completely immobilizing my right side. As I am not allowed to take Ibuprofen, I had to “ride it out”. It´s not gone, but I can move around, providing I am careful.
This year, Petra is growing red chili peppers on the window sill and the first few are getting ready for the harvest.
These little devils are really hot! Petra dries them and we use them for making Petra´s own special Mexican chili - yummy!
Hi everyone! I’m still on vacation, at the beach with my girlfriend. My blood pressure is down and I’m calm and happy. We found a new restaurant with a happy hour that includes oysters, her favorite. It’s just across the street, so no worry about driving. Warm and sunny today.
Mister B.- I’m glad you’re having fun on vacation.
Steven- Thanks for the donuts.
Ulrich- Its a interesting video to get rid of moles. If I didn’t know better it seems like you have moles.
Since I designed a new train layout I need to get a bridge. But not just another bridge I thought of getting the Kato 7 inch. Instead I bought the BLMA concrete bridge. It’s 50 feet long which is shorter than the 94 foot girder. Which will be perfect size for scenery.