Flo, get the gang and I a Crown Royal with a [B] chaser! God knows I need one! Give Rick and Steven what they like.
Jimmy Sorry to hear about your friend and good luck with the job!
Health Front, the Long Arms Of The VA Health Care System! [banghead] Went to Anderson Hospital and was there at the ER at 9:50, was in a exam room at 10:00. They did a X-Ray of the foot in the room, drew blood and at 1:00 PM wanted to adamite me. Good news there is no infection in the bone and white blood cell level was normal! [Y] Seems there is a low grade infection at this point and they wanted to start giving me intravenous antibiotics. I was a tad surpised but not shocked. But they had to call the VA First! [banghead]
I told them the horrier before where I was left in a exam room for 10 hours when the VA thought I had a heart problem (beacse they lost my EKG) Anderson Hospital needed the VA permisson before they adamite me. At 3:30 PM I asked them to give me the first round of intravenous antibiotics, but they had to waite till they heard from the VA. [sigh]
I told them they where waiting for the shift change that happems at 5:00 PM. They stated the intravenous antibiotics at 5:00 PM and I will be dang at 5:15 the VA called and said they had a bed for me! [:(!] By the time the intravenous antibiotics was done it was was 6:15. I was there for over 8 hours and I was done for the day! Exam tables suck after 5 hours! Much less 8!
Anderson Hospitaldid call in some oral antbotics. Going to hit them up again for another round intravenous antibiotics but if I cannot get them, guess I will go to the cluster ash pit VA hospital. [sigh]
Train Front PRR Coach Wars![:D] Got the PRR Coach Lake Merritt roaming the ra
It has finally cooled down and I am starting to feel a little better. If I now would also catch more sleep I´d be happy - almost.
One of the early plastic kits Faller produced in the 1959s was a little freight depot, which could be found on just about any layout in those days. Needless to say I wanted it to adorn my tinplate train set as well, but despite it being ubiquitous in those days, it´s as rare as hen´s teeth these days. Kits sell for outrageous prices, but I was lucky to find a built-up version for a amount hardly worth the trouble of listing it at Ebay. It arrived yesterday and is the pre-final building on my layout. The last one is on order, but I am not yet disclosing what it is!
I got the 1977 snapper RER all fixed up with new blade, new belt and battery. I put a "new " seat and a new starter on the engine. It fired up on the first crank. I love the older mowers as they were built like tanks.
I bought this one about 10 years ago on craigslist for $40 and have been using it since. I will eventually repaint and restore it to original. Got the yard mowed and trimmed, Now working on cleaning out the gutters.
[Note from Admin: Part of post referring to deleted post referring to deleted part of post has been deleted. Thank you. [^o)]
Flo the gang and I will have a [B] please. Give Rick and Steven what they like.
Henery I all so womder the same thing? When I was 20 I came close to getting a 18th Air Born or Militay Police’s tat but never pulled the trigger. I wonder to my self “What would that look like when I was 60 plus.”
Health Front I want to tell you folks that the VA will take very good care of us Vets when you get to the right person. Now getting to the right person? [banghead] Well that can be a Challenge!
I will admit that I have a couple of them myself. In my case, they hide under my sleeves as needed. My two are ones that I designed myself so they have meaning to me. (One is for my college graduation. The other is one for my ancestry. Both of them came after I was 30 and within 6 months of so of each other.) With a lot of people, it seems that, at least IMHO, that they want to take control of their own bodies and express themselves in their own ways. Where I work, it has been figured that somewhere around 75% of the people have ink of some sort.
I may have to try the ATF trick when I get my railroad moved to my apartment. Where the layout currently sits is very dusty and I haven’t run an actual train on it for quite awhile. Would one just use cheap ATF or is a higher grade needed. (I don’t drive so ATF is a mystery on that point.)
When I was young, tattoos were a good way to identify people you needed to stay away from.
It is not that way any longer. Some of the greatest people I meet are covered for some reason, and the wrapping rarely matches the contents. People with very sketchy tattoos can be fine people.
Went to the op session everything went smoothly, (Un)Peasant Hill wasn’t a issue because we had a “footboard yardmaster” to handle all the pickups and setouts, I ran four, yes FOUR trains, the Little Rock-NOLA Runner, the Marshall-Coldwater Turn (Coal Loads for Empties), the Flyash Turn (Marshall-Marthaville Turn (Flyash Empties for Loads), and the Entergy Turn (Marthaville-Bunkie Turn (Coal Empties for Loads) the last three are “unit trains” picking up loads (or empties) running then exchanging them for empties (or loads) and running back and returning the cars to the appropriate track. The Runner was a bit more work.
Not much else going on.
Here’s some tunes. I have been slowly growing my music tastes, I have found that Indie Pop/Rock really appeals to me, the mainstream stuff not so much.
It has cooled off considerably - outside! It will take some time to get the warm air out of the house though! Those brick buildings keep the heat well.
I hope my BP will improve now - at 110/60 with a heart rate at 95 my old engine seems to be out of tune, resulting in elephant´s feet that won´t fit into any shoe. Normal values are 130/80 at 75.
On the subject of tattoos - I have yet to see a tasteful tattoo! Justified or not, a tattoo puts people into a drawer which is not on the upper region of life´s cabinet. What´s a fashionable craze today, may cause grief and regret later on. For myself, I have decided I am not a member of the Maori people and I have accumulated a large number of “life´s battle scars” to be already sufficiently disfigured.
Janie - it´s Sunday, time for a big breakfast! So here is my order of crisp fried bacon, scrambled eggs, buttered toast and jams, lots of coffee, but hold the OJ, please!
I try to mentally block out individuals totally covered, so they pretty much don’t bother me any more. Except for one individual who tried to convince my daughter that she needed to have one.
But really bothers me are piercings. Very hard deal with any one who seems to have a speach impediment because they somehow need to have a pearl looking thing stuck in the middle of their tongue.
The first girl had something that looked like a spider web but different, lots of straight and curving intersecting lines. There wasn’t one crooked line as far as I could tell. I would have needed masking tape if I was her tattoo artist.
There are piercings and then there are extreme piercings. I can’t imagine getting my tongue pierced. I don’t live in the big city, and I have only seen two or three people with these wedding ring sized piercings in their ears and lips. That is seriously weird.
Changing subjects, James Wright has a youtube video on MRC’s new lighting decoder. It changes effects and intensities. It was not one of the more polished youtube videos for a potentially interesting system. The MRC spokesman should have rehearsed what he had to say and shots of the manual should have been edited in later.
Here is my HO replica of a sign that was next to I-65 south of Louisville for many years. It is no longer there. … I think it was humorous. …
My 2 cents … In general, I think all tattoos are ugly no matter who has them.
Ulrich … It’s fun for me to just look at your Marklin trains. You must be enjoying them. You might be re-living old memories.
Of course, here in the USA, we had mostly Lionel or American Flyer trains in the 50’s and 60’s. As kid, I visited the huge Lionel display in the Toy Department of Marshall Fields Department Store in Chicago each Christmas. Of course Santa Claus was there and I would give him my long wish list.
Garry - actually, I am enjoying myself more with this build than when I was working on my Swiss layout. The reason might be that this layout is less challenging to build and thus more fun to me, given my limitations now.
I can´t comment on US brands, but as catenary was not common (other than some routes of the Pennsylvania RR, the Milwaukee RR and the Great Northern, AFAIK), I think it is unlikely that live catenaryv systems were offered by the likes of Lionel, AF and others. I may be wrong, though.
Marklin of Germany offered a live catenary system right from the beginning of HO trains in 1935, and so did other brands like Trix or Fleischmann. Electrification of railroads started early in Europe, namely in Switzerland, where a severe shortage of coal during WW I brought rail services nearly to a standstill.
Germany started mainly in Bavaria and the mountaineous regions of Silesia, where hydropower was available.
On my little layout, my electrics get their power from above!
At the train show in Tampa yesterday I ran into a very old friend, Bruce, who I had not seen in probably 25 years.
Bruce was the founder and first president of Scale Rails of Southwest Florida in 1983. I met him when I was 15. He was very influential in my teen years, kind of kept me out of trouble and put up with me when I am sure I could be annoying at times.
He taught me how to build and repair live steam locomotives when very few people understood how they worked. He was at the train show displayijng his 1 1/2" scale (7 1/2" gauge) live steam Atlantic. When I was in high school we were working on the valve gear of this locomotive. I remember when he taught me how the eccentric established vlave timing.
Since I ran into him I have been having all kinds of memories coming back to me. He is 75 years old now. Wow. My youngest daughter is older than I was when I met him.