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Jersey Central No. 113 makes test run on Reading & Northern
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Jersey Central No. 113 makes test run on Reading & Northern
Volunteers have done it once again! Way to go!
…diesel supplying air after the air (pump) balked…
Easy to do; just use the main reservoir MU hoses between the…uh, where the…
I guess it took a while to find the 113’s MR hose.
This is arcane, I do wonder how they did supply main res. air to the 0-6-0.
A wrap-around hose to the 113’s air pump. A hose safe for MR pressure, 125 to 140 psi that I’ve seen, that could pass by (be hung) along the side of a firebox to get to the pump?
Very good news, of significant interest as most articles/notices are. BUT, why isn’t a photo included for those of us who are homebound and live miles from the articles subject?
It would be nice. Without at least a photo, the news lacks a lot.
Well done friends of 113, and thank you Andy Muller! The “Big Little Railroad” rides again! Bless 'em all!
For Richard Harrison and others that may be wondering, I did some research and found some pictures of this move of the Jersey Central 0-6-0 #113. Just follow the links that I have posted here and you will see some nice pics of the movement. Compliments to Kermit Geary JR.
I hope this helps everyone who was curious about the movement of #113. I agree that a photo would have been nice to accompany the story. Happy Steaming everyone.
Always great to hear about another steam locomotive returning to operation. To all who made it possible - Nice Going!!
Steve Mitchell, Yard Goat Images
The air hose went into the main air tank on the fireman’s side. We used a normal commercial air hose from our stationary air compressor. Hose was below the ashpan so no worry about heat.