I have two locos, same Tsunami decoder in both. I thought I changed both to the same CV’s (regarding motor & speed table) but they’re not running the same. One is requiring much more throttle to start moving.
How do I copy the CV’s only, from the loco that I like how it runs to the other one so that it runs the same?
I don;t think you can. You can export the settings of one roster entry end import them to the other, but then you have to go back and reset the non speed related CVs like the address. There’s also an option to duplicate an existing roster entry into a new one, which you then fill out the description information and set an address for.
Do not “Ident” the “bad” loco, but instead manually open the roster entry for the “good” loco;
Select the particular CV’s you want to change and write them to the “bad” loco.
Optional but recommended: Close the “good” loco’s roster entry, open the roster entry for the now-updated “bad” loco and do a read all sheets followed by a save.
I have done it the way Stevert recommends. You can also open the CV page of the good loco and “write all”. Remeber to open bad loco page and “read all” and save as Stevert recommends.
Keep in mind giving two engines the exact same CV settings - even if they are the same make and model, and using identical decoders - will NOT necessarily make the two engines run exactly the same. Each engine is a little different, and may need slightly different CV settings to run well together. For example, one engine might be a little “stiffer” and want to start and stop more abruptly than another seemingly identical model, and need different settings for CV 2, 3 and 4.
The SoundTraxx Tsunami family of decoders have an adjustable 28 step speed curve and do not support a 3 step speed curve, thus CV 5 Vhigh (V-Max) or CV 6 Vmid (V-Mid) are not available. The SoundTraxx Tsunami2 family of decoders supports both 3 and 28 step speed curve.
I would ditto this post. I have two different lashups with identical locomotives and decoders. Both require slightly different speed curves to run speed matched through the entire range. Even models made on an assembly line will have slight differences in frame and motor construction and performance.