Joe McDoakes 1955 Model Railway Movie

I was wondering if many people have enjoyed seeing the 1955 film by Joe McDoakes “So you want to build a Model Railroad”

The black and white film which last 10 minutes is a classic. Joe starts off in front of the judge and also finishes off there as well but on a good note.

It is a film many of us can relate to where hobbies can become obsessions and take over, but is handled with great humour in this film. Even the mother in law cops a lap full of soup courtesy of the gravy train.

My favourite line is where Joe goes into the hobby shop and says to the owner " and buy a round of track for the boys"

My copy was from a 16mm film and I’m not sure if its still available. It was a series of 63 short films that were made from 1942 and cover all sorts of topics

More information is available here

Has anyone else out there seen it?


It’s been on TV a time or two, I think Turner Classic Movie’s “One Reel Wonders” has had it on. It’s pretty good, a little wacky but overall not bad.

p.s. Joe McDoakes was IIRC the character’s name, not the film maker. “Joe Doakes” is kinda like “John Doe”, a generic name for everyman.

Yes Turner Classic Movies shows it …I have caught it a couple of times…I think its pretty funny…Cox 47

It’s included on one of the videos produced by an outfit that covers Lionel toy trains.
