John and Cath Busby

Hi everyone,

John can’t get onto the forum at the moment, for some reason he’s ‘read only’. Anyway, he’s asked me to pass onto us all that Cath is now at home, bruised to heck, but the plasters off and mending a bit more every day. Cath says a big ‘THANKYOU’ to all her well wishers and thanks us for all our thoughts.
Good on yer Sheila, I mean Cath!![;)]

I’ve put another message on to take it back upto the top, I don’t want it to go on another page before everyone’s had a chance to read it. John reckons I must have some Aussie blood in me for the ‘Sheila’ jibe, sorry mate, you’ll have to make me an honorary skippy!!

Glad to here It!!!

Hi Matt
Thanks for your kind words
Kim Honarary Aussie it is then
regards John

Way to go Kathy. Glad everything came out better, will still keep Cath and John in our prayers. [angel]

Really glad you are home, sorry it took so long to write.

Take care


Hey John,
Glad to hear all is well…and improving. Take care. Later eh…Brian.

I am lost what is this all about?


Hi Ian
It started on the open thread a little while back when Cath had an accident and I made a hasty departure to Perth as Cath got flown to Perth by the RFDS.
On our return I could not acsess the forum so got Kim to pass on that Cath was doing fine and on the mend.
After all the good wishes and prayers generated by this forum It is only good manners
to make sure those well wishers knew how things where shaping up which due to afore mentioned problem at the time I could not do.
Oh boy!! is Cath on the mend I am really copping the “its not done that way” and “No it goes over there in that cupboard” bit.
It will be another four weeks before the arm brace comes off the plaster came off a week or so ago they had to do quite a mecano job on her left arm as she broke it and her left wrist…
That should solve the mystery for you[:)]
regards John

Yes well I hope it keeps on going well for you.

Few peolple outside Australia would know about the RFDS, It is a service catering to the out back where people live hundreds of miles apart so access to medical services and many other things is quite protracted.

Royal Flying Doctor Service or RFDS is an organisation of flying doctors and nurses that do an incredibly good job and what they do is unique to this great wonderful country of ours.

Like the School of The Air, for kids that live under similar circumstances, they do such a good job the Queen was on it a few years back and spoke to all the kids and answered any question they asked her, well done Liz. Sadly this has now been superceded by a computer network and a near virtual classroom, all completely Australian and unique and ingeneous.

All the best mate.

Rgds ian

Hi ian
Just to lean this back towards trains a little how do you think a 1930 ish RFDS plane over the line somewhere would look?? I am sure if I went up to the local base they would find out what kind of plane it should be.
Thank you for your kind thoughts which I have passed on to Cath.
Who is still a little dumbfounded at all the good will coming from all over the world,
and cannot quite grasp that these groups are more like an international group of friends
than just a discusion group.
By the way if we ever get back to QLD will look you up.
regards John

I remember a tv series when I was a lad way back in the early 60’s, black and white and titled ‘The Flying Doctor’, way before ‘Skippy’! The doc always got there just in time, just like skippy did really. Amazing what you can fit into half an hour. Going totally off topic, a question for John & Ian, do you remember an actor called Lucky Grills? He starred in a cop series called ‘Bluey’, hilarious (wasn’t meant to be), about a much overweight detective who always outran the fittest villain, had a cult following in the UK, just wondering what happened to him and whether they show his series at all.