Judge lifts order on LaCrosse double-track

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Judge lifts order on LaCrosse double-track

If we had this kind of run-to-the-courts-if-we don’t-get-our-way mentality in the 1800s, we would probably all still shipping via oxcart and riding in stagecoaches. Anybody want to clean up after all those horses. Would anyone be able to stand the stench?

My thought is the good judge, upon further review, realized he had severely screwed up by interfering with a state and federal approved project involving interstate commerce and he is now hoping that the whole mess just fades away…

The treehuggers and NIMBYs will never cease their efforts in hampering and stymying progress. I wonder what they’ll screech about next?

I’m so sick of NIMBYs. Whine, cry, throw another tantrum…

I’m not familiar with the area, but I’ll bet it was double track for a hundred years, up to, just guessing, the 1980s. the vast network that is the U.S. rail system today? NONE of it would get built these days because someone anywhere would object.

The Q mainline through LaCrosse where the new DT has been built was never DT until now. Much of the Q’s C&I line from Aurora to St. Paul was single track with passing sidings through much of the Q’s ownership. BNSF and increased traffic pushed the need for double tracking the line.