Mornin’ guys and gals. Sunny and hazy along the Alleghany front range. Will be headed up to the museum later on, and start decorating the chapter caboose for the 4th.
Here in Vermont we call them Michigan’s for these footling monsters… but being in Michigan no one there calls them that.
Good Morning
I got several “housekeeping” issues handled for the county fireman’s association, so I should be ok until the July meeting next Wednesday. yeah, right, lol
Was supposed to hit Asbury Park last night for the cruise but, we opted to go to the local cruise instead. It made the Mrs. much happier.
Heat an humidity have finally invaded Central Jersey, so the air is on.
Party tomorrow, my in laws on Sunday - after I cut the Princess’ lawn - then Sunday picnic at the Princess’. Probably her last event in Jersey as she leaves for FLA USA in either October or November.
78F going to 90 something later…
Everyone please have a fun and safe 4th. Pray for our country and our way of life.
Wow Fife, so sorry about your pal, that was fast?
Went to the store for food today, first time in 4 months and a week. feeling better every day. [Y] Still miles away from where I was if I ever get back there who knows?
No holiday plans so the cost of gas don’t matter. [swg]
Blazing sun and 91. Cold front moves in, 66 and cloudy. Rain starts, hot and humid like Bangkok! [ip] Keep the toppings. I like my hot dogs naked! [dinner]
Fourth of July weekend. Looks like this year is going to be kind of quiet here.
Hope everybody has a good and safe weekend - especially if you are planning on setting off fireworks.
Fourth of July weekend.
hopefully, my dad will be well enough to cook some burgers and hot dogs on the grill! (He had a Total Hip Replacement last month, so we’ll see)
other than that, no plans.
(My grandfather was born on the 4th in 1935, he sparked the train interest for me. He had post war lionel trains, and one MPC set, The post war being I believe a Lionel Baby Hudson. I now have that and his trains. He passed away in 2018)
It was pretty darn hot today, but overall I think I’m adapting relatively well to being back home. In spite of the heat, I managed to get the mowing taken care of for the first time since before we went on vacation.
Just got back from going to see fireworks with the 'fam, it was fun as usual. It was a little bit buggy, especially on the walk back to the car- otherwise a pleasant ordeal [swg]
Earlier this week I had idly looked into how much a 6519 Allis-Chalmers car was going for on eBay, since I’d never looked into how tough it was to get my hands on one, and it turned out they could be had cheaper than I thought. I dropped a bid on an auction that started at $5 and nobody else jumped. All in all, it was about $16 after shippin’ and tax, not too bad for an online purchase of a single car. Should probably come some time tomorrow.
Mornin’ sleepyheads. [zzz] 70 degrees and [li] along the Patterson Creek cut-off, which meant FifeMax woke me up to hold his paws… So I’m drinking coffee and posting a new video.
Did get Clinchfield 1072 all decorated, and cleaned all the windows since I had the ladder out. First time anyone’s been on the caboose roof in awhile. After 4 hours in the heat, Fifey was spent.
Happy 4th weekend
Rain and humid today, 1 party was postponed until tomorrow and that ain’t gonna fly. So, tomorrow we head to my in laws for pool/hot tub and BBQ. Have to cut the lawn at my Princess’ prior to leaving.
Saw some fireworks from the comfort of the '70 road runner convert, topless, of course!! Picked up my Hemi Magnum (and they messed up the exhaust, but will look at it Tuesday). Will replace the belt tensioner between the rain drops and maybe head to PA for some boom boom stuff.
Nice job, Fife, but working in 90+F in the sun ain’t a great idea (like I should talk…lol)
Be safe everyone - I hate doing fire calls during holidays, lol
Aside from running the Spirit of '76 Lionel cars (With the President Washington pulling them!) I’ve got no plans for the Fourth at the moment. AND the Revolutionary War flag collection will be displayed on the Fortress Flintlock! We’ll see what the weekend brings, aside from Winston the Attack Basset getting a bath!
He WON’T be happy! [&]
Hot dogs? I like 'em with Gulden’s brown mustard but that’s as far as I go. Anyone besides me dislike that squeeze bottle they’re putting it in now? I miss the jar!
Getting hotter by the day on The North Bluff. Ran trains yesterday and wifey’s #41 switcher from 1955 decided to just sit there and buzz? After a look I found the brushes wore down to the springs. Got a new set on order and I am thinking that will get her back to working order. When I was working on it an alarm kept going off in the sump pump hole. So after looking it was coming on because the back up battery was low. Funny because the back up pump has not worked for years. As I checked on things the battery charger is now as bad as the back up pump. SO I just took it all off line and will figure something else out later. The main pump still works but I will NEVER get another Wayne set up again,JUNK!
People around here are getting an early start blowing things up. With 3 camp grounds within 3 miles a lot is going on.
Hot dogs, wifey likes the garden on hers, I am ketchup mustard and relish. [:^)]
Evening, not doing much now…Enjoying my night after work.
Hot dogs, I like mine with ketchup and Chili. Sometimes, I’ll put ketchup, mustard, relish and onions on it. I’ve even had one with sauerkraut!
Funny you mention a 1955 No. 41, 'cause I volunteered at the trolley museum today and decided to bring my '55 No. 41 up with my space n military cars to run on our layout for the 4th. They were the best red, white, and blues I had, and the '41 seemed fitting to pull them even though it’s not as colorful. Mine runs well, but iirc I replaced the brushes when I serviced it, late last fall.
If it still isn’t behaving after the brush replacement, my next thoughts are (without knowing the service history of your wife’s) to check if the E-Unit is stuck, and to see if there’s old lubricant jamming up the works.
I absolutely love my 41 and I think in due course I’ll need to track down another one of these little critters, done up for a different road. Postwar or MPC, not too particular since they all (should) use open frame motors.
Weekend going well so far, met some lovely people at the museum today. A family came by, there was a 95 year old woman who told us about how she grew up in Springfield MA and her house was right next to one of the trolley stops- she recounted a number of very cool details, it was a real treat to get to talk with her. I hope we see them again.
Today my 6519 Allis-Chalmers car arrived in the mail- well packed in a sturdy box, thank goodness. Currently in the proccess of getting it ready to roll again, which hasn’t been much fuss so far since it’s in pretty good shape. I’m also having fun trying to learn more about the prototype car that Lionel based the model off of.
Mornin’ guys and gals. Overcast and 67 along the Patterson Creek cut-off. Sipping my [C], tapping away on the keyboard, and listening to the Everly Bros Songs Our Daddy Taught Us in the background. Not much on the docket today, just the Nascar race this afternoon.
Hot day on the station platform yesterday. Met lots of nice folks before and after their train ride, but made my way to the RR museum’s AC in between. Wifey bought me a cheesesteak “wedgie” from the local pizza shop.
Good Morning,
Got back from 2 weeks of vacation last night. We drove from Duluth to northern Maine and back, covering approximatey 3,900 miles. We took a vehicle stuffed with treasures to our daughter and her family. It was a LOT of driving and well worth the time to spend some time with our 9 month old grandson. This morning I am sitting on our deck overlooking the St Louis river and enjoying the sun and breeze and a cup of coffee. Dorothy was right “There is no place like home.”
Looking forward to getting back into our normal routine and getting back to summer projects. Have a great holiday weekend.
Northwoods Flyer
Greg, I’ll be near Wiscasset ME late July, but my family usually in past years would go camping on Mount Desert Island, and enjoy Acadia National Park. Ever since conditions made it impossible to go, we’ve been visiting a family friend who spends the summer in ME, which is also a real delight- it tends to involve a good deal of sailing, which I really enjoy but have never done elsewhere.
Was able to make it up to the trolley museum again today- it was a blast! We had lots of people come to visit, and the crew was kept nicely busy. There was just enough time (and personel) to squeeze in a lunch break [swg]
One of the volunteers brought his speeder and was giving rides, and gave very helpful pointers on getting the museum’s (on loan from a private owner) speeder to run optimally. Got to take it for a little spin before it got tucked back into its shed! It’s a wonderful little machine, I hope I’ll get to spend more time with it at some point this summer. Hopefully even give rides to folks.
Tomorrow will be time spent with the family, we have a cookout planned and will be celebrating my grandparents’ 60th anniversary. Will probably bring trains to amuse the younger children (and maybe a few of the adults).
Happy and Safe 4th of July to all.
Mornin’ guys and gals. Sunny & 63 in the Potomac Highlands. Nurse Princess hosting a little cookout today. Girls made cake-pops last night. Good Nascar race at ROA/Wisconsin. Reddick will be around awhile.
Happy 4th of July. Don’t run with sparklers.
Prayers for the casualties, families and community of the Highland Park parade shooting.