“Easy to Assemble Building Kit”
Yea, right. Not for me.
I spent about six hours on the kit. Three hours, then a break of about 3 hours, then another three hours to finish it up. That is just assembly time – I haven’t weathered it yet.
I did enjoy assembling the kit, and plan to do others in the future. The biggest problem for me was the incredibly small size of parts for an ‘N’ scale kit. More often than not I was using tweezers and toothpicks to nudge thing into place. Fingers were just WAY too big.
The positive side was that I ended up with a much more detailed building than I would have gotten with a similar built-up. My building had gutter downspouts, individually applied step railings, and many other features that you probably wouldn’t get with the typical built-up. So that was very cool.
The down side is that with ‘N’ scale, from two feet away you really can’t tell the difference between a well-detailed building and a built-up. The plus side to that is no one can possibly see the minor construction flaws that were inevitable during my first attempt.
Overall, I really enjoyed the experience. But I have to be happy with self-satisfaction and the congratulations of my wife. Because I doubt that anyone else looking at my little railroad will ever have ANY IDEA how much work that little building took. [:)][:)]
[^][^][:D][:D][:D][8D][8D][:)][:)][:P][;)][bday][bday][(-D] CONGRADULATIONS !!! I have started putting together my first “real kit” just last night. It is an Atlas station kit. I have attempted to put together kits before , but they have never turned out that great.[banghead][banghead]
Congratulations! I’m in N-scale also, and yes, working with those microscopic parts can certainly be frustrating! Remember, as long as you’re happy with your results, don’t worry too much about what others might say/think; just enjoy!!