Just getting into the awesome hobby of model trains

ive read alot already , but i dont get is why do some use foam on top of plywood and some just plywood ? whats the difference? would someone please help me out cause to me the base is one of the most important parts. iam not one to screw around when it comes to building cause thats what i do for work.

P.S. iam totaly lost when it comes to wiring where is the best place to start?

Welcome to the hobby!!! [:)]
When it comes to the base, it depends on what you want to do.
Foam is easier to use when building scenery. Plywood is good if you want flat ground.
My suggestion is to get & read some articles on layout design before doing anything.
Model Railroad magazine is good for ideas. Kalmbach has other publications for scenery, track laying, wiring etc…
They also have some basic ideas on their website. www.trains.com & follow from the upper left side “hobby basics” click on “model railroading” & do some online reading.
There should be all kinds of info from that site & probably others here in the forums for ideas.
I’ll say more later as I have to run
I hope this helps for the time being.


njfreight, welcome the world of model railroading. This is going to be hard to answer in a short space. There are all types of construction for your base. Some nail track down to straight plywood, others use plywood with homasote on top of it, some use L-girder construction and now the foam over plywood is becoming popular. My new layout is going to be 2" foam with a 1X2 frame work supporting it. This is going to be a learning experience as I’ve never used this method before. Without going into a lot of detail, with plywood you can just nail your track to it, but foam will not hold nails so glue will have to be used. Also the foam will allow easier means of creating scenery. It all comes down to prefference. Like you said the base is the foundation of a trouble free layout. Now for wiring. Altlas, Model railroader and others have books out on basic wiring that will help you greatly. You have probably heard or read about DCC (digital command control) I would highly recommend you get some experience and knowledge before delving into that, just go into this hobbie one step at a time and remember we all started like you and we are here to help where we can. Best to ya, Ken

Yes, welcome aboard! Gordon has given you some very good advice! The foam question has been pretty much answered. Think about trying to shape plywood into roadbed, ditches, hills, valleys, rivers and mountains and you can see plywood is pretty limited for making these features. Now, think about how easy it is to cut foam with a knife, hacksaw blade or even hot wire and you can see how easy it is to add all these features to your layout with foam. There is also the method of building land forms with wire screen, risers or a latis work cardboard strips etc. and covering these in paper towels dipped in some kind of plaster material to build up land forms. Like in everything, there are many ways to skin a cat.

You have many choices ahead of you, to contemplate. What scale to model, what RR, what era, do you think the idea of really operating your RR like the proto type will appeal to you? What type of electrical operatating system do you want to use? I agree with Gordon, buy several of Kalmbach’s books on the various aspects of model railroading and familiarize yourself with the things you feel you lack knowledge of. There are some basics books which will guide you through the complete building of a small RR. I like the idea behind these books as they give you the information you need to do the job, without overloading the ol’ brainbox! Then when your confidence level is up you can add more books to your library.


I second the research described above. Also, plan on a small first layout and try out different ideas. Do part in foam, part in plywood. Learn to wire it. run some trains, build some kits - in HO, Atlas and MDC and Athearn have some good kits to get started with - do some scenery, etc.

And welcome to the most fascinating of hobbies.