Just ran a Train!!!!

well it was a big freight, but it was a train running… just got a new track cleaning car… so wanted to use it…

it ran the length of my track that is underneath!!!

hey its progress!!![:p]

Cool! I just ran my Rivarossi Challenger for the 1st time since my father-in-law bought it for me 5 years ago! I didn’t have a layout then, but now, the outter run of my double track main line is functional. Granted, no scenery or even permenant wiring yet, but it was awesome to run some trains after five years w/o a layout!

Two of my friends came over last night. One brought over some motive power he hasn’t run in about 20 years! We ended up breaking out all of my engines, just to run them around. This, of course, ate into time we would’ve spent laying more roadbed and track, but it was worth it.

Good luck w/ your layout!

YYYeeeeeessssss!. [tup] Great feeling, eh, GrandFunk?

What’s next?

I just bought a Centerline track cleaning car, does a GREAT JOB… hooked it to an Athearn SD80 Conrail and threw on a Guilford 50’ boxcar… I enjoyed it!!!

Well, the cork roadbed of the inner main line was completed last night. I need to lay that track down. I have two other branch lines to bed, then track, as well as a few spurs. Once that’s done, time for some wiring.

I’m going DC with DCC in mind. Reason being - all of my engines are 15-25 years old. The steam engines I have are not DCC-decoder installation friendly, from what I’ve read.

I’m looking forward to starting the scenery, too.

What meduim does that Centerline cleaning car use? Liquid? Abrasive? Both? Thanks!

hmm what’s next… well make sure everything is set down below… thinking that things are slowly falling into place,
hope to have some pics posted soon

with the centerline track cleaning car I was using something called railzap…

Good times.