K-Line Blue Miller High Life Girl in the Moon car

I am looking for a picture and the number of a car that I saw recently at a train show. It was made by K-Line. It was dark blue and had a large colorful Girl in the Moon logo along with Miller High Life on the side. I’ve seen pictures of several K-Line Miller High Life reefers, but not this particular one. I read an article that said it was produced just before K-Line went out of business.

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Welcome, Sareok52 [#welcome]

I would also be interested in that car. I am in the process of building a Miller High Life consist train.

I found this on eBay but it is not blue and no girl in the moon.


I would like to know more.




K-line K742-6403 Miller Beer “Girl on the Moon” Wood-Sided Reefer with Billboard produced in 2005

The girl is in the blue

Here’s a link to the K-Line Miller products, no blue one. Have you looked at the K-Line by Lionel catalogs ?


Kind of looks like they did a set

You Nailed it Doug DG,


Now where do I get one of each?


Kev, You might try giving Charles Ro a call, it’s my understanding that they still have quite a bit of K-Line in stock but it isn’t listed “on-line”. Or if you can convince one of the “Potters” who live in the area to do some recon for you. [:-^]

Thanks Doug,

I will give them a call. Everytime i try to go on their webb site my PC locks up? [:^)]

Good luck on the eye surgery.
