K-Line Connection Publications

Dear Forum Members,

I am conducting research on K-Line Connection Club brochures. I know from Volume 1 Number 1 to Volume 9 Number 4 is consistent in every volume. In Volume 10, the sequencing became unorganized. Volume 10 had no number 1 and Volume 10 Number 4 was Spring 2001. While Volume 10 number 2 was Summer 2001. Then Volume 10 Number 3 was Fall /Winter 2001. Volume 11 and 12 had only 3 issues as far as I know. Then Volume 13 and 14 had no Number 1. From what I can tell Volume 14 had only one issue – Number 2. Can anyone bring to light the availability of late K Line issues (Volume 10 through 14)? What was the last K-Line Connection issue? Thank you for all your help. I am looking for issues of the K-Line Connection, if anyone wishes to relinqui***hem.


Hi Duncan,

Just discovered your post from 5 years ago as I was researching the old K-Line Connection Club brochures.

Regarding Volume 10… the Spring 2001 issue which SHOULD have been Vol. 10 No. 1 was incorrectly printed as Vol. 10 No.4.

Volume 13 did in fact have a number 1. It is simply dated “2004”. (I have a copy so I know this to be true). The cover has a photo of B&O #5217, a 4-6-2 Pacific.

Volume 14 also had a number 1. This issue is dated “2005”. The front cover shows a scene using K-Line Superstreets, vehicles, and buildings in the background.

As far as I can determine, Volume 14 number 2 was the last issue, but I’m not sure.

I will have to look as I have them around here. The last issue is special to me as I won the contest from the prior issue and the box car prize. They mention my name in the last issue.


I was looking through some of the older threads when I came upon this one. It may interest others who have wondered what K-Line newsletters were produced over the years. After doing quite a bit of research, this is what I’ve discovered:

Volumes 1-9 each had issues numbered 1-4 and designated Spring-Winter.

Vol. 10 had issues numbered 2-4.

  • No. 2 was dated Summer 2001.
  • No. 3 was dated Fall 2001/Winter 2002.
  • No. 4 was dated Spring 2001.
