Hey Folks,
I’ve been looking at buying a K-Line porter (any road will do), but I suppose with the bankruptcy, they have not been shipping. I tried all the big guys in the mags, but nobody has any stock. Does anybody know of a dealer that may have one or two? And if not, does anybody else make an O gauge 3 rail porter?
Thanks George. I grabbed it. I searched ebay last week and found none. I should have known to keep trying. I may buy another in a couple weeks, provided I can find one!
Reeds hobbies in La Mesa has one (as of last week). It was the Army Transport one if that matters to you. I bought mine there, the Raritan Copper. Works great. The only one I"ve not seen is the Lakawanna one which of course is the one I wanted.
Oh well. I hope somene can get things together and make these again along with the Plymouth and Shay. The Shay was the only “non superlative” based model of this type in O 3 rail. The prototype engines the other manufacturs followed where either the biggest or strangest they could find and look weak trying to pass as something else. All this plus it can make O31 rad turns.
I just purchased on Thursday the dealer’s display Lackawanna Porter. Sorry Emmaandy!
When I got home and opened it up, there was no manual in the box.
Does anyone know where I can download a copy of the manual or can some forum member email me a PDF copy of the manual? My email address is bibeau@nospam.ptd.net
(please delete the extra charachters “nospam.” from the email address".
So far, I like the way it looks on the layout and I have some scale coupler hopper cars (that I purchased at Feb Fair 2005) which can run behind the Porter.
I wi***his model would be re-released again once the K-Line demise is concluded. It looks good. I did notice that you need to turn up the voltage to get the smoke to start-up, then the voltage can be lowered to around 5V to slow it down.
I also got my hands on the Lackwanna Shay too! There is another one currently on Ebay, though priced a little high.
Their website was, indeed, really screwed-up last night. It was working okay earlier in the evening, but then went belly-up for the most part. Cost them two orders from me, after I waited nearly an hour for just one page to load.
An interesting note on these two Lackawanna engines. They are not actually supposed to be from the Lackawanna RR of Phoebe Snow fame but intead are engines of the Lackawanna Lumber Co. A short lumber RR in the county of that name in PA. A quick look at the log cars intended for the Shay will confirm this. Although for some reason K-line included “and Coal” after lumber in the name.
The Shortline railroad I am slowly building up equiptment for inheireted some engines from this line. My line never had a Porter but my excuse is that they were trying one out from Lackawanna L. Co. I am excited that some Companies are trying more obsure industrial and short lines paint on thier new releases. I have seen all of the other Porter offerings (and own the Raritan one but have no scanner to copy the manual sorry) so I am happy to hear that the Lackawanna L. Co engine did come out. Now I guess it is just a waiting game.
I’ll gladly send someone a self-addressed stamped envelope if they could photocopy the Porter manual for me! Just email me your address (so it is kept private and off-line) Thanks!