K- Line TM Virginian conversion from TMCC to MTH Speed control and back to TMCC?

I purchased a K-Line Train Master Virginian locomotive. The gentleman I bought it from said that the TMCC went out so he replaced it with a MTH board that has speed control and sound. The sound is great but the speed control is a little too slow for me. I want to know if I would be able to convert this back over to TMCC or atleast Railsound? As usual any help would be appreciated.

Yes you can if you contact Bill at http://mttponline.com/ he will be happy to help you he sells the electric railroad items to do so at a discount there site has instructions and the web-page is http://www.electricrr.com/

I second that recommendation, I’ve ordered a number of things from Bill, I’m waiting on an order now. :slight_smile: