Kadee Trucks

What is the difference between a Kadee

#556 Self-Centering Vulcan Double Truss Truck
#515 Standard Vulcan Double Truss Truck

What does Self Centering mean?


See top of the following link: http://www.kadee.com/htmbord/truck.htm

My Kadee freight cars all have the self-centering trucks. I’m still not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I tend to pick up cars by the trucks in the first place, rather than fingerprint the sides of the carbody - so when settign cars on the rails, it’s easy enough to do. With the Kadee seld-centering trucks it des make it easy to rail the cars, but at the same time it sort of encourages picking them up by the carbody. When the weight lifts off the trucks, the design of the bolster forces them to align with the carbody, unlike ordinary trucks that can be left facing any direction. Personal choice I guess. For me, HO is large enough that I don’t have problems getting cars and locos on the rails.
