Kalmbach Email Technical Glitches?

I have noticed that emails from other kalmbach magazines as technical glitches are occuring lately. I was wondering what was going on with this and why? I am not annoyed or anything by this just wondering if any others are having the same problems.

Then you might have seen my post a couple days ago. I’ve been around the forum for about a year. In that time people have complained about purchasing online products and having trouble accessing them. The response via email was slow and in some cases ineffective (from their viewpoint, which is all we have to go on)

That was not my experience. Someone from MR saw my post and I got an email from the head of Customer Service before I made any inquiries. My problem was solved that day. Now that said, a lot of us buy a lot of stuff online, from ebay to amazon, from hotel and airline reservations to stocks and bonds, and do so without any glitches (assuming the vendor is legit)

Do I think Kalmbach has a bullet proof online shopping experience, no. Did Apple Computer in it’s latest Iphone upgrade eliminate my ability to cancel my “Up Next” playlist, yes. Stuff happens. I think Kalmbach has addressed it’s customer service issue. I think tackling their IT problems will happen because that’s what they do…sell online access.

Yep, I received an email today from Kalmbach’s Bead and Button Show, whatever that is. Later I found a please ingore our earlier Bead and Button email in, of all places, my spam folder for some strange reason. [:-^]

The irony, if you want to call it that, is that the Bead & Button show features a lot of tools and materials that could be of considerable interest to a model railroader. I was more surprised by the apologetic email than I was by the original email notice about it.

Dave Nelson