KATO Double Crossover Unitrack issue

I had a experience with N scale Double Crossover Unitrack N scale I have replaced 3 of them and they still hang my engine at the insulator, I am supplying all 4 corners of the crossover for power still would not work, when I called Kato the first thing they tried to blame were my engines, I use Broadway Limited N scale sound engines, Kato said its the engine, it does not 4 power pickup wheels, only one, I called Broadway Limited and asked the about the problem, when I told support at Broadway Limited what I was told by Kato, and Broadway Limited said all the wheels on my engine are powered, I thought support almost laughed when I told them what Kato, USA said was the problem, does anyone have a answer ?


OPs query split from another thread because it’s a different question. Posted answers to OPs question that did not migrate from thread are quoted below:

I’m trying to get a handle on what, specifically, is the OP’s issue. He seems to have concluded the problem is defective Kato equipment. He states he replaced the defective part three times (presumably with crossovers from the Kato support unit or from a helpful and understanding dealer), yet the problem persists. I’d start to look at other factors.


Big Daddy’s post, from above, is what his actual issue is. Kato told him it’s not the cross over, it’s his locos.


The Kato doublecrosser is actually a very well designed unit. The problem comes when it is not sitting PERFECTLY flat.

All of the Kato turnouts are matched very closely to the required energy to move them. Any binding and all sorts of problems occur.

The power on the center rails of the double relies on the contacts under the track. You can stop continuity problems by placing a feeder on each inside rail (4) and at least one end of the outside rails. This insures that you always have power at all points. The rail between the points and the insulator on the center rail is the weak spot and the extra feeders on the ends will cure this.

BLI’s N Scale locos are extremely sensitive to the slightest interuption of power - usually stopping and restarting the sound. They really could use a keep alive.
