Kato GP 50 Help

Recently purchased nonworking Kato GP50 on eBay. Located and repaired problem on universal joint between motor and flywheel assembly but ran into problem on locomotive reassembly. Not sure where the copper strip leading from brush connector on bottom motor is positioned within the frame assembly. Top connector is no problem since it had a hole in it which is screwed to top of the chassie. Any help would be appreciated.

What scale is it? HO scale uses a wire clip on each side of each truck. N scale uses a copper strip that is mounted in the plastic “sub-frame”, or base that mounts on the chassis.

I’ve fixed up a few HO scale, but not an N.


Hi Mike

Thanks for your response. The GP50 is n scale. My problem is with the correct positioning of the copper stip (I.e., under motor heat shield or under the frame and on top of the handrail assembly).



The bottom motor copper strip fits inside the metal cover that screws to the top. It’s the large metal piece that surrounds the top and both sides of the motor. The strip just slides inside.

I hope that’s clear enough! Sorry I don’t have a picture.

OK Chuck and Mike, I understand now. Thanks very much to you both. This is my first time on the forum and I am finding it to be very helpful.

All the Best


You’re welcome, Earle. I wish you the best with it. I bought two of these when they came out in the MoPac scheme back around '90 or '91. Neat locos.

Your welcome, Earle. If you need a picture reference, Google Kato GP50, click on images, scroll down, and you’ll see some different pics that guys posted while installing decoders, which shows the strip.
