KATO SD9043MAC DCC/sound install

I installed the Soundtraxx TSU-1000KT decoder in my SD9043MAC. The direction of travel and lighting are opposite. The decoder in question comes with pre-installed LEDs and can only be inserted in 1 orientation. Is there a CV fix for this? I tried reversing NDOT in CV 29 but that reversed the lights as well.

Edit: As I suspected, but I thought I would do some theory to practice, switching the track power leads doesnt do anything because we are working with AC here.

After further investigation CV 33 and 34 are the answer, how do I determine the values?

If you change CVs to make things right, and subsequently have to reset the decoder to factory defaults, you’ll be right back with the motor running backwards because those modified CV values will be erased.

With previous hard-wired decoder installs, switching the wires to the motor was a permanent fix, but with a drop-in decoder you have no such option.

The price I payed for “simplicity of install”. CV 33 was programmed to 2 and CV 34 was set to 1. This fixed the lighting issue. CV 29 was programed to 35 to correct NDOT, long address and shut off DC operation. I also elected to solder the motor leads to the board as they were originally press fit.

Next up:

Correcting the ditch lights to above running board and installing the rest of the box (approx 8 parts sprues).

The SoundTraxx web site does not even list the Kato SD9043MAC as being one for which the TSU-1000KT was designed, and it’s possible that Kato uses a different motor in it than in previous versions.

SD90 is listed under the TSU-1000KT sound file description for SD-70 version of decoder. It fits in perfectly, just backwards.


Please just take switch the motor leads that you soldered to the board tabs…it CAN be fixed with a CV, but months from now when you do a reset, you WILL be scratching your head.

David B

The motor leads arent wires, they are clips, and I really dont feel like cutting them, soldering wires to them, heat shrink tubing them, then soldering the wires to the 1/16" diameter hole where the metal clip went. Also swapping the motor leads wont fix the lighting problem. The decoder is designed to go in an SD70. It only fits in one way and I didnt see the need to desolder the pre-installed LEDs, add wires so that I can switch them from the front to the back, and the figure out how to attach them to the light tubes.

Also I put an adhesive label under the fuel tank which lists the locomotive address and CVs that arent set to defaults.

I’ve installed close to 100 decoders of various types, and the Kato SD90MAC is not the first to have motor contacts backwards; that’s why I no longer use a ‘drop-in’ decoder in anything. The Soundtraxx web site probably tells you, “Sure, it will fit.” without mentioning the probability that they haven’t tried one and don’t know that the motor will run backwards.

My most recent disappointment was the Tsunami decoder for an Atlas Trainman Genset. Atlas has redesigned the chassis in their latest Genset release, and the TSU1000 no longer fits comfortably. I’m waiting for LokSound to release their Genset sound file and will remove the Tsunami. And there’s also the problem of finding a place to cram that capacitor at the end of the wires into a crevice somewhere. LokSound doesn’t have that problem.

I would have gone for the Wow Diesel, but Ive heard there are some lighting function programming issues. Waiting for that to be resolved on here.

I find it weird that you’ve had this problem.I’ve installed the same decoder in my Kato SD80 and didn’t encounter such.However,installing the speaker and alternating ditch lights was more of a challenge as it doesn’t have a machined speaker enclosure and the ditch light pipes were molded together.

But Kato changes the design between models, and this one probably doesn’t even have the same type of motor in it, or the motor was turned around.

All I know is I matched the way the board fit in with the pre-installed LEDs on the board. It went in the same orientation as the lighting board came out. I also realized that I will have to move the ditch lights, as they should be walkway mounted not pilot mounted. I’ll have to head back to the LHS to pick up more ditch light castings and the MU boxes and covers (I think thats what goes over the ditch light hole).

The speaker box fit above the light tube for the headlights in the long hood. I used an MRC speaker with box. Fits exactly.

MRC 16mmx35mm speaker.

Also figured out why the locomotive needed CV adjustment for lighting and direction. My first clue should have been they were both wrong. Mr davidmbedard did in fact come close with the suggestion to swap the motor leads. I bought a second Kato 9043Mac (INRD 9005) and the same decoder yesterday. This morning I took a close look at the decoder and installed it with the tabs for fx5 and fx6 facing up. I then popped the shell off of 9002 and realized the solder points were facing down. Then the light bulb came on (or LED) came on in my brain and I realized if you swap the track power and the motor leads then the locomotive will run backwards with opposite lighting. Insert facepalm. So I desoldered it, flipped the decoder over, factory reset it by setting CV 8 to 8, cycled power and reprogrammed the address. No issues, locomotive responds correctly.

Lol…glad you got it figured out! David B

I should insert here: Not a fan of Kato motor leads. They bend too easily, are hard to insert into the hole in the drop in decoder, and once you get it in there, there are only 3 points of contact with the board, so you end up using quite a bit of solder to get a good strong connection.

The motor connections are one of the reasons I stopped using the KT boards and put in the appropriate TSU AT 1000 board in my Katos. I found similar issues as you did having to squeeze the sides of the motor lead tabs and then re-expand them and solder. I do cut and solder wires to the motor leads which is no big deal. I just put an AT1000 567D in the new Kato GP35 and the screw holes line up for installation. I cut down the light tubes and add new LEDs also. I usually cut the LEDs off the light board I remove and use them in other installs.

Marty C