Hello everyone, after finally getting my new layout building partially setup i have come to a dilema. As some of you may remember from another post, i began building the N scale Salt Lake Route layout that was featured in MRR back in 2008 or so. I worked on it for a good bit but due to circumstances had to put the layout on hold as well as sell off all of my locos, rolling stock and DCC system. Well, after all of this i have gotten back to where i can continue the hobby that i love. I have purchased a new 12x20 building that is dedicated soley to my layout as well as purchased the NCE Powercab DCC system, a new loco and about 6 various rolling stock. My big dilema is this…With having the new 12x20 building my options have opened up as far as layout possibilities, I will include a few pictures. Anyways, i have never been any good at planning or designing a layout which is why i chose to model the Salt Lake Route in the first place. It seemed to have a lot of the features i liked and was small enough to fit the room i had avaliable at the time. Now that i have more room i cant see just abandoning the layout only to start over again. If any of you guys that are decent at design could take a look at what i have so far and maybe figure out a way to incorporate my current layout into an around the room layout i would be most appreciataive. Like i said, i am starting over basically other than what i have in the pictures so any and all suggestions and ideas are greatly appreciated. My current layout is DCC wired so that isnt an issue. Please take a look at my pictures and please share any and all of your ideas and suggestions…Thanks again, it feels good to be back!..