Katrina...long term

Watching Katrina from this side of the pond it all seems pretty crazy…
What can we do to help?
I have MREs and tents but they will hardly get through the mail system.

Then again…

I once read about someone at one of the camps at the end of WWII. He saw someone arrive from the local town with a box of lipsticks. I thought “How stupid”… but when I read on he said that that box did as much to revive the ladies as food… it helped them feel human.

My point?

A whole lot of modellers are going to have seen their efforts of years blown away.

I don’t have a clue how many.

But… think how you would feel if all your work / effort / time / collecting… was just blown away…

I guess that there must be clubs down in the Gulf states that have been hit as well.

Now isn’t the time but in the coming months and years the men are going to be doing a whole lot of rebuilding… and that will be their family lives, homes…everything as well as the streets and houses.

For all of our “modern consciousness” the men are going to be shouldering a whole lot of the burden.

Some time out and R&R will help.

I don’t know anything about the logistics, laws…stuff…BUT… for starters… we all have more stock than we know what to do with… many of us even have surplus track…

They aren’t going to have a whole lot of time to salvage track and locos from the bulldozers when the clean-up starts… much of it may be wrecked any way…

So… maybe it’s an idea for someone to help out with:- setting up a clearing house to help.

We all know about scams and aid not getting where it’s needed… someone on this site must have the knowledge (or know someone who does) to solve this.

So…I have some locos and cars I’ll mail if someone can set things up… Model Railroader please help out…even if only by posting any news of scams.

What happened to the railroads

David we www.seecarr.org, are trying the same approach using our car show in November. The board felt that being close to Christmas we could help out with something. I posted it but it sorta got buried, just like yours.
George Pavlisko