Hey all,
I’m relatively new to this, but I was hoping someone could give me some information about Katsumi trains. I have several plastic and wooden trains marked Katsumi. I’ve found some information on their older brass trains, but not much on the more modern plastic and wooden ones. I’ve read that they sold to some American companies like Max Gray and US Hobbies, but these trains only have the Katsumi mark on them. Anyone able to point me in the right direction?
KTM, as Katsumi is frequently labeled, has been in model railroad manufacturing since the early post-Pacific-War period. While they have produced a variety of US prototype models (The HOn3 Mason Bogie 2-6-6T comes to mind) and accessory items (The rock-smasher two coil switch machines imported by Kemtron and others) their primary emphasis has always been Japanese prototype, in HOj (1:80) and Nj (1:150) scales.
If I could see photos of the models in question I could probably identify their prototypes.
I own a number of pieces of Katsumi powered and non-powered rolling stock, all good performers and all accurate to their prototypes. Katsumi is a top-tier manufacturer, right up there with Tenshodo (but without Tenshodo’s name premium.) Their level of value can be judged by their permanent possession of the full page inside the back cover ad in Tetsudo Mokei Shumi, the Japanese equivalent of Model Railroader. KTM is one of the few present-day manufacturers whose products tempt me.
Chuck (Modeling Central Japan in September, 1964)