KCS appoints Lora Cheatum as senior VP of human resources

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KCS appoints Lora Cheatum as senior VP of human resources

Since my first couple of paychecks from SP, 55 years ago, I’d compare what I calculated was my gross earnings, and if I differed the RR always had a lower result than mine.
Money I figured I made legitimately and honestly.
What is now HR, paid us and was remarkably consistent…lower than my figures.
“we wuz gypped!'” OUR work to earn their money and they kept it.
(a preface; there’s absolutely no implication nor remotely anything personal intendended…but…)
An HR boss whose name is "Cheatem?)
I couldn’t have made that up… .

My husband and I were self-employed for years as printers. Our competitor’s name was Goforth and in later years we seriously thought about combining our shops and yes, we would have called it Goforth & Cheatum. This is not a joke. You can laugh at the name – I did also the first time I ever saw it. My comment was “I can see being born with a name like that but to MARRY it???”
I’m curious as to what Cheatum family Lora came from. Anyone who spells their name that way is undoubtedly related because that spelling doesn’t go back very many generations.