The forum here is an excellent place to ask a question. However, that question should be one which truly is worthly of an intelligent answer. The “Stupid Question” thread is a worthly choice to ask any intelligent question. Questions which are posted in the Stupid Question thread usually receive a reply within 24 hours and that reply most generally comes from a person with the knowledge to correctly answer the question. The Stupid Question thread is most generally “On Topic” and supplies a wealth of information. It truly deserves viewing on a regular basis.
There is also another avenue which people may consider. The MSN Messenger or AOL AIM messaging services are available and many forum members have one of both. The “instant message” is used on an almost daily basis by many forum members and questions, stories, photos, etc., are exchanged between members. An instant message can provide an exchange of information between members and can serve to reduce many questions which might not truly deserve a “topic” to be posted in the forums. The download for either is free. Instant messaging not only can provide information but serves to foster friendships.
I prefer to “send” railroad photos by an instant messanger, they accompli***he task much quicker and the person receiving the photo “gets” it right then and can comment on it then. This has worked well for me and others.
The instant message services are a good place to ask a question, send or receive railroads photos, and make new friendships. Asking a question through an instant message not only can get you the information you seek but can keep the forum clear of many questions which (shall we say) shouldn’t be posted in the first place.
This post is intended to encourage use of the Stupid Question thread and promote/foster friendships through the instant message systems. Try it (them) you might like it (them).
I currently use AOL AIM. You may instant message (IM) me on it. I am sure