Keeping flextrack in gauge?

You wouldn’t think that flexible track would be a problem, but I suspect that the gauge of my On30 Peco flextrack is tightening up as I curve it as tight as 15" to 18" radius. An NMRA gauge seems awfully tight on the curves, and some of my Bachmann locos, even the short wheelbase Porters, will jump the track or lose traction on the curves. Any thoughts on how to prevent this from happening, short of handlaying the track?

Those radiuses are too tight for flextrack – try snap track if you can find it in the gauge you are using.

If you must use flex track, it might be possible to put pins or small nails against the inside edge of the outer rail to force it back into gauge.

I’ve had the same problem in the past and found that the ties must be at a 90 degree angle to the track…even in a curve…if you straighten out the ties as you bend it around the curve, the rails will relax enough to be in gauge again…Chuck

With N gauge what is the tightest curve you can have with flexitrack, as I intend to use a lot of this. There will be a mixture of long & short wheel base cars. Any help would be great.

Most N scale Steam engines and diesels like a SD35 (with three axel trucks) need at least 13" radius curves to run without derailing. The problem being the trucks ride up the rail beacuse the wheels are very close together and the wheel base is short. Engines like the SD70 and 90 have longer wheel bases and longer trucks so they can run on smaller curves like 9". Although they don’t look very good.


Peco has their own line they call “Set Track”.