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Kentucky landfill to phase out rail operations on CSX line
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Kentucky landfill to phase out rail operations on CSX line
So where will the trash go? Just because the environmentalists shut down the rail operation doesn’t mean that New York City doesn’t have to find something to do with its trash. Maybe start dumping in the ocean again? Or maybe refill all the containers coming in from China and ship it there since they have few regulations (or few that can’t be overcome by a bribe anyway)?
Sounds like its the neighbors who are complaining , not so boggy-man “environmentalists.” Maybe they could take the New York/New Jersey trash to Iowa.
Or maybe, just maybe, you could start filling in all those old mine shafts with the trash…thereby serving two purposes…closing up dangerous former mines, and disposing of the waste in ready to go sites that could also slow down the release of methane from the decomposing garbage.
@Michael: I am sure the “opposition groups” are not the friendly neighbors…lol! And why bring it to Iowa, when there are so many old strip mine pits to fill in Illinois?
Wasn’t trash by rail the darling of these environmental wackos a few years ago?
Instead posing the idea of burying it in old mines. Burn it to generate power and use the ash left over for construction material.
One wonders where the trash will go, nobody wants a landfill in their neighborhood but everybody wants their trash picked up.
Will local residents and leaders complain when the railroad files to abandon the line due to the loss of traffic?
They should just Burn the stuff into power are homes and business??
Chase: awesome photo!
(Trash trains still move right along on CSX here in Central Virginia (former RF&P / ACL routes). The smell of one going by during the summer is quite something)
Concerning the awesome photo: I have never seen railroad signals with the red aspects at the top of the heads, like roadway traffic lights. Are my eyes screwy?
That’s how the C&O had their signal system designed.
I believe Kentucky Electric Steel is still a customer on this line.