I posted this under Model Railroading and I’ll repeat it here. In addition to what is below, the Central Indiana Division, NMRA are going to make a kids shake and make a simple car the first clinic at all of our meets for the next year. We will advertise it that way and use the same type of information lised here. Thomas the Tank engine can do for our kides and grandkids what Lionel, Marx and American Flyer did for many of us.
November is Model Railroad month here in the States. In the past, the Central Indiana Division, NMRA has held a regular Meet/Dealer Show at the end of October or early November. But we have never stressed promoting the hobby. This year we are. We are holding a free admission Meet in cooperation with the Pike Township Lion’s Club (Indianapolis, IN) Pancake Breakfast (the pancakes cost, the Meet is free).
We will have clinics and portable and modular layouts and an on-going scenery construction project. The first clinic of the day will be aimed directly at young modelers with a car kit construction clinic. They will get to keep the car and some of the simple tools that they used to build it. Everything we do that day will be aimed at introducing the hobby to new people. This was before we heard about Kalmbach’s ‘Greatest Hobby in the World’ program, but it certainly ties in with it.
Why tell you this? I would suggest that there is still time for clubs and organizations to set up something for November. Advertise it! Let people know about the hobby. Don’t just put a notice in a hobby shop. That’s nice, but it is preaching to the choir. Get something in the local paper, or on radio. Perhaps you might get an active display in a shopping mall. Get some help from a local shop if you have one. The sky is the limit when it comes to ideas. It IS a great hobby, so let’s tell people about it!
Roger Hensley - rhensley@localnet.com
== http://cid.railfan.net/ ==
== Central Indiana Division, NMRA ==