Alright, here’s my situation. I bought a grain elevator for my layout back in August, I haven’t had the time really to put it together with school, work, volleyball/football games to go to so now that the last 2 are done I’ll have more time to work both at my job and on the train stuff, mainly my job as my boss doesn’t believe in me having a social life.
anyways i want to put this elevator together and get it on the layout. i’m wondering what kind of glue to use with this, its a Walthers cornerstone series building. i have Goo but i don’t know if thats what i should or want to use.
Plastic cement. Testors is a brand that is avaIable at most stores that sell plastic kits. I use the both the tube type (red tube) and the liquid. There are many other brands too, available at most hobby shops.
For large parts, like the silos, I have found Loctite brand QuickTite (red bottle) supper glue to be handy.
For my plastic models, I have mostly used Plastruct’s PlasticWeld. I like it because I do a lot of kitbashing, and it works not only with styrene (what Walthers kits are made of) but also ABS and PVC plastics as well.
I have built around 16 of the Walthers kits and experience has taught me to use a plastic welding liquid such as Tenax or Plastruct’s product. If you want to stay away from LOTS of trouble, don’t use the tube type plastic cements. Just apply the liquid with a small paint brush and let it flow into the parts you want to weld together. There’s a fancy word for this, but I’m having a senior moment and can’t think of it.
I just thought of the term - it’s called capilary action!
alright, i might try and start work on that kit thursday and friday because i don’t have school at all those 2 days. i’ll try the testors stuff first to see how it goes.
i have another quick question regarding ebay now. i’ve purchased quite a few pieces of model railroad stuff off there in the past. i don’t know when i’ll be able to get down to the hobby store next and i want to get the ADM grain elevators for my layout. do you think its a safe bet to buy it off ebay, or will there be a risk in things breaking while its being shipped? what should i do, should i just wait till i go to the hobby store to pick it up and spend another $10 more than i would pay on ebay or what?
I use the tenax liquid. I have Walthers cornerstone kits that I built in 1995 and have been
in storage since then awaiting completion of my layout. The joints are still strong as new. The tube glues will dry out an become brittle over time. Have some old Faller and Pola kits built in the 70’s that fell apart.
I have bought quite a few items on ebay and have yet to have a broken or damaged item. Maybe I have been lucky but with the feedback system that is in place guards against many people doing a shody job over and over. When bidding check a persons feedback and see if other customers have been happy with them as well.
I have a Walthers conerstone series grain elevator that I bought and built in one day I used a glue that was recommended by my LHS as soon as I get off shift I will get the name of it and post it on here. It worked really well and set fast…
ok I am home now. the glue I used is Model Master Liguid cement. It is a liquid that is in a container with a small metal needle like applicator. This help me with the small stuff because I could regulate the amount of glue I was useing. The Grain Elevator I have is the ADM Elevator it comes with a decal sheet with several options of names.
As soon I learn how to post a picture here I will post it. I still have to weather it yet. And I am going to Kitbash it to replicate a local flour mill its really close to whats around me.
thats the kit i plan on getting. i want to see if i’ll be going to the hobby store this weekend or not to pick it up there or if i’ll have to order it off Walthers. i have some of that testors glue sitting around here, the liquid in a bottle thing. i’ll maybe try that with the building i have now.
i plan on modeling the ADM plant down in Mankato, Minnesota. hopefully over Thanksgiving my dad and i will be able to make the short trip down to the plant. my grandparents live down there so its nice to be able to see it once in awhile. hopefully i’ll be able to catch something at the yard down there as well.
Keep an eye out for Walthers Expansion Kit for that ADM elevator as well. It includes 6 more silos and another length of head house to make a larger building.
I use ZAP ca glue and testors model glue…be careful with the CA glue…it bonds just about everything…fingers, lips, eyelids…ect…i like CA glue because it’s fast drying and doesn’t leave those ugly glue blobs if it is used sparingly…
we’re the only school in the area that has thursday and friday off. a bunch of schools had last friday off or the week before that they had the friday off. next week i have friday off as well. should be interesting to see what i do with my break, i can either read 300 pages by next monday for a book review, work on the trains, or i can go to Target and pick up Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and play all weekend.
oh, i also bought the ADM elevators last night off of Ebay. i figured out the price it would cost from Walthers, then i know the hobby shop sells kits for book value, no discounts. i’m saving like $.30 from buying off Ebay compared to Walthers, and about $10 compared to the hobby shop. i would pay more just for the kit without tax at the hobby shop than i am off of ebay.
i think i’m gonna try that testors model glue and see how it goes.