Does anyone have ideas on how to create an 0n2,1/2 2-6-2 with outside frame without scratchbuilding or buying in brass
Well, Bachmann does have an outside frame 2-8-0. That would seem to be a reasonable starting point.
Boiler proportions look fairly close to SR&RL #24.
I thought of that already but thanks
Not sure what you are expecting, but Andre’s answer is on the mark. There are no standard gauge HO outside frame steamers that you could use the mechanism from. The only ones are in HOn3 and HOn30. So, the On30 stuff is the way to get there. The 2-8-0 that Andre was referring to is the most logical starting point.
But, be prepared to do some kitbashing and, yes, a little scratchbuilding of some of the parts to get what you want…
Ahh… I was hoping to to find some kind of outside frame HO because I did not like the price of the 2-8-0, but it might work.
The other thing that I am thinking might be possible is to get the inside frame 2-6-0 and cut a polystyrene frame, ah well…
I am also more interested in the WW&F #6 but it is very close to SR&RL #24
I think you’re kinda SOL then. Using an HO mechanism (say an MDC 2-6-2) would sitll require you to fabricate the outside frame and create longer driver axles from steel rod, after which you would have to demount the drivers, then remount and requarter the them on the longer axles., and create your own counterweights.
Bachmann Branchlines (UK) makes a class 08 diesel switcher with an 0-6-0 with outside frames.
Whether or not the mechanism would make a reasonable strarting point is another issue.
It’s always possible that Bachmann would choose to do a SR&RL 2-6-2 in On30. I just wouldn’t hold my breath.