KLW ZScale Layout For Sale

I have mixed emotions over having to break down my KLWZscale Layout. Many hours
of hard work and research has been put into getting the layout to the point it is now.
After alot of thought I have decided to see if anyone might be interested in
purchasing the layout less the electronics and upper yard track and turnouts.

If the price is not right or no one wants to purchase I will be breaking it down to make
room for our first Baby due in Feburary.

Many photos of the layout can be found on my webpage at www.pobox.com/~klwebb
(Once in the train section it is best to navigate the site by the menus at the very top of
the page.)

All turnouts are the electric Marklin turnouts (12 would stay on the layout). The
layout is wired as blocks with 1 reverse loop that will remain.

The Track is a mix of PECO, Microtrains and Marklin Flex Track. Track is attached to
the blue foam base using AMI instant roadbed on the lower level and woodland
scenics foam road bed on the small upper loop. All connecitons have been solder
except at the turnout connections. Most of the track is ballasted. Max Grade is 2%
using the Woodland Scenic ramps. The layout is 3’ x 6’ and has approximately 800
inches of track with the upper yard.

Any rolling stock, electronics, atlas switch machines, trees and structures seen in the photos will not be sold.

All rocks and bushes bridges and tunnel portals will remain.

It will be the responsibility of the buyer to find a way to have the layout shipped. Seller will asssit with packing etc.
Seller will not be responsible for damage caused by shipping. The layout can be
picked up just south of Houston, TX.

If you are interested in purchasing the layout please email me personally at
klwinternet @ houston . rr . com (remove the spaces)
Please supply your name and valid email